Heritage President Comments on Neomi Rao’s Confirmation to Federal Bench

Heritage President Comments on Neomi Rao’s Confirmation to Federal Bench

Mar 13, 2019 1 min read

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James released the below comment after the U.S. Senate’s vote to confirm Neomi Rao to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. In 2018, James honored Rao with the Robin and Jocelyn Martin Young Leaders Program Distinguished Intern Alumni Award for her remarkable achievements since interning at Heritage.

"America has the best, most independent, judicial system in the world and we need the right kind of judges to keep it that way. America needs judges who know their proper role and will not bend to public or political pressure. Neomi Rao is well qualified to serve on any federal court – even the American Bar Association says so – but especially for the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington.


"That court handles many regulatory cases and Neomi is one of the nation’s top experts in administrative law. She will impartially interpret the law as written, not use or twist the law to promote a political agenda. Politics is creeping into so many areas of life these days, but it doesn’t belong in the courtroom. At her Judiciary Committee hearing, Neomi pledged to focus on the law rather than her personal opinions to decide the cases that will come before her as a judge. Isn’t that what we need in all our judges?"