Heritage President Kay Coles James: Boris Johnson "A Strong Leader Committed to His Country"

Heritage President Kay Coles James: Boris Johnson "A Strong Leader Committed to His Country"

Jul 23, 2019 1 min read

WASHINGTON -- Heritage President Kay Coles James released the following statement Tuesday upon Boris Johnson's selection as the next British prime minister: 

"Prime Minister Johnson is a strong leader committed to his country and to standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the United States. The U.S.-U.K. alliance is the most powerful and effective bilateral partnership in modern times, and I welcome the strengthening of those ties under such an incredibly pro-American prime minister.


"The U.S.-UK Special Relationship has been the engine of free trade, security, and stability in the world for more than 75 years. The free world is a better and far safer place when Britain and America stand together. From standing up to Putin’s regime in Russia to helping to tackle Iran’s aggressions, to keeping the NATO alliance strong and working towards a U.S.-U.K. free trade agreement, we have many issues our nations can work on together. The Heritage Foundation looks forward to working towards a U.S.-UK free trade agreement and building upon the critical defense and intelligence relationships which our two nations share."