What are the consequences of abortion?

Questions and Answers

What are the consequences of abortion?

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ANSWER: Legalized abortion has taken the lives of more than 60 million children since 1973. Abortion endangers women’s health and safety and has sentenced countless women to physical and emotional harm.4

Every year, taxpayers are forced to subsidize the abortion industry, including Planned Parenthood—which performs about one out of every three abortions in the U.S., advocates for elective abortionon-demand, and has opposed commonsense protections for women and children.5

Today, the United States is one of only seven countries in the world—in the company of China, North Korea, and Canada—in which elective abortions are allowed after 20 weeks (5 months).6

Planned Parenthood—Giant of the Abortion Industry

  • Promotes abortion at taxpayer expense. In one year alone, Planned Parenthood affiliates performed 354,871 abortions while receiving over $618 million in tax dollars.16 These affiliates performed more than three million abortions over the past decade.17
  • Profits from abortion. Planned Parenthood has created a lucrative abortion practice. It has demanded that every local affiliate have at least one clinic that performs abortions18 and has been reported to enforce abortion quotas to increase revenue.19
  • Endangers women. Numerous Planned Parenthood affiliates have been accused of neglecting the health and safety of patients and resisting efforts to improve safety standards.20
  • Accused of financial scandals. Planned Parenthood has repeatedly been accused of potential fraud—manipulating records and inflating costs to overbill government assistance programs.21 In 2013, a Texas affiliate had to pay a $1.4 million settlement for overbilling American taxpayers.22


4. Ibid.

5. “The New Leviathan: How Planned Parenthood Became Abortion, Inc.,” Americans United for Life, 2015.

6. “Gestational Limits on Abortion in the United States Compared to International Norms,” The Charlotte Lozier Institute, 2014.


16. “2019-2020 Annual Report,” Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

17. “Fact Sheet: Planned Parenthood’s 2019-20 Annual Report,” The Charlotte Lozier Institute, 2021.

18. Anna Franzonello, “Planned Parenthood’s Increasingly Radical Agenda for America’s Women,” Defending Life 2013: Deconstructing Roe: Abortion’s Negative Impact on Women, Americans United for Life (Washington, D.C.: 2013).

19. “The Case for Investigating Planned Parenthood,” Americans United for Life, July 7, 2011; “Pretty Ugly: Planned Parenthood’s Deception of the American Public,” Alliance Defending Freedom, 2013.

20. Ibid.

21. “Planned Parenthood’s Waste, Abuse, and Potential Fraud,” Alliance Defending Freedom, April 10, 2013.

22. “Texas Attorney General’s Office Obtains $1.4 Million Settlement against Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast for Medicaid Fraud,” Office of Attorney General of Texas, July 24, 2013.