Jobs and Labor


Jobs and Labor

Labor policy should promote competition and mobility in the workforce. Instead, government regulations often hold workers back and cartelize the labor market. Congress should remove these artificial barriers to entrepreneurship and job creation.


Strong Jobs Report an Encouraging Sign for US Economy Tim Doescher

Mar 10, 2017 2 min read


Federal Job Training Fails Again David B. Muhlhausen, Ph.D.

Mar 10, 2017 29 min read


How Arizona Is Using Licensure Laws to Punish Compassion David Rosenthal

Feb 17, 2017 5 min read


Labor Department Can Create Jobs by Calculating Davis–Bacon Rates James Sherk

Jan 21, 2017 About an hour read


The NLRB Can Protect Worker Voting Rights Administratively James Sherk

Jan 19, 2017 23 min read


$15 Minimum Wages Will Substantially Raise Prices James Sherk

Jan 19, 2017 34 min read