Jobs and Labor


Jobs and Labor

Labor policy should promote competition and mobility in the workforce. Instead, government regulations often hold workers back and cartelize the labor market. Congress should remove these artificial barriers to entrepreneurship and job creation.

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The Cause of High Unemployment: Still Due to Dwindling Job Creation James Sherk

Mar 24, 2010 10 min read


Obama Jobs Deficit Up Again; Course Correction Required J.D. Foster, Ph.D.

Feb 5, 2010 5 min read


Davis-Bacon Suspension Would Fund 160,000 New Construction Jobs James Sherk

Jan 27, 2010 4 min read


Does Creating Jobs Have to Cost Money? Michael Novak

Dec 11, 2009 9 min read


Obama Jobs Deficit Up Again, Real Jobs Strategy Needed J.D. Foster, Ph.D.

Dec 4, 2009 4 min read