Jobs and Labor


Jobs and Labor

Labor policy should promote competition and mobility in the workforce. Instead, government regulations often hold workers back and cartelize the labor market. Congress should remove these artificial barriers to entrepreneurship and job creation.

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The Purple People Beaters Ernest Istook

Aug 14, 2009 4 min read


Two Steps Back on Labor Rights Elaine Chao

Apr 20, 2009 3 min read


Speedy Bankruptcy for Chrysler, GM puts Future at Risk Andrew M. Grossman

Apr 2, 2009 2 min read


Obama Jobs Deficit Grows: 651,000 Reasons to Cut Tax Rates J.D. Foster, Ph.D.

Mar 16, 2009 2 min read


Thousands of Earmarks in Omnibus Bill Brian Darling

Mar 5, 2009 3 min read