Markets and Finance


Markets and Finance

Over a decade after the financial collapse of 2008, the policy failures that it revealed still have not been resolved.


Learn more about policies that reduce harmful government regulation of the financial industry with Solutions.


View the Biden Inflation Tracker here.


Dodd-Frank and regulation gone rogue Diane Katz

May 29, 2014 2 min read


Housing Market Doesn't Need Government To Do Its Job Norbert J. Michel, Ph.D.

Mar 14, 2014 3 min read


Dodd-Frank Unleashes Predatory Mortgage Regulations Diane Katz

Dec 31, 2013 3 min read


Lobbying: A Terrific Investment Rich Tucker

Dec 19, 2013 3 min read


Yellen Hearing Exposes Fed’s Regulatory Fault Lines Diane Katz

Nov 18, 2013 5 min read