We need to broaden counterterrorism efforts there.
Two major terrorism plots
in the last six weeks highlight the central role that Pakistan
plays in addressing global terrorism - a role that could become
larger and more successful if officials in Washington and Islamabad
make the right moves.
One of these plots - a plan to blow up airline flights mid-air
between the United Kingdom and the United States - was successfully
thwarted because British, American, and Pakistani security agencies
worked together. The other - a series of bombings July 11 that
killed nearly 200 on commuter trains in Mumbai, India - has been
linked by Indian officials to a terrorist group operating in
Pakistan. Investigations into both plots continue and will require
full Pakistani cooperation and follow-up.
Early revelations related to the airliner plot indicate that the
would-be terrorists likely received direction, training,
inspiration, and/or funding through sources located in Pakistan.
Reports emerged last week that one of the main figures involved in
the plot - British citizen Rashid Rauf, who was arrested in
Pakistan earlier this month -- had previously been a member of a
Pakistan-based terrorist group that operates in Indian Kashmir, the
Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM). The other suspects - also mainly British
citizens of Pakistani origin - presumably conducted meetings,
operations, and fundraising efforts in the U.K. and possibly other
countries. Of course, their links to Pakistan do not directly
implicate the state. In fact, U.S. and British officials have
praised Pakistan for its assistance in preventing the attack.
Pakistani cooperation in the War on Terror has been critical in
helping to degrade al Qaeda's ability to plan and execute
catastrophic acts of terror. Over the last four years, Pakistan has
arrested several key al Qaeda leaders and conducted military
operations in tribal areas along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border,
making it increasingly difficult for al Qaeda and Taliban elements
to operate in the region. Hundreds of Pakistani soldiers have died
in these military operations, which is why Pakistani officials
chafe when Western media reports discount their country's
contribution to the War on Terror.
A Critical Partnership
Even so, the two latest terrorist plots should prompt U.S.
policymakers to think more critically and creatively on how to work
with Pakistan to address the increasingly dangerous problems of
extremism and militancy in that country. No quick-fix solution
exists, but the level of urgency we attach to tackling the problem
now will determine how successful we are over the longer term in
fighting global terrorism.
First, we must convince Pakistan to condemn the use of violence to
achieve political objectives and to disrupt the operations of
groups involved in terrorism, including those operating in Kashmir.
Pakistan has officially banned groups like JEM and the
Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LET, now referred to as Jamaat ul Dawa) but has
taken little concrete action to stop their activities. These groups
continue to operate in Kashmir and to promote extremist ideologies
in the country. JEM is an offshoot of an organization that
kidnapped and later killed American citizen Donald Hutchings and
four Europeans in 1995. Several recent reports have linked these
Pakistan-based groups to al Qaeda. Although JEM and LET focus
primarily on militancy in Kashmir, the groups' long-term
pan-Islamic objectives and anti-West views closely mirror that of
al Qaeda.
President Pervez Musharraf, the victim of at least two
assassination attempts, should understand the danger radical
militant groups pose to his country. He continues to distinguish,
however, between radical groups fighting in Kashmir and al Qaeda,
in the apparent belief that his country's interests are better
served if he tackles domestic militant groups gradually.
Unfortunately, time is not on his side. The longer these groups
exist, the more support they attract, the more radical they become,
and the greater the threat they pose to the international
Pakistan's August 9 arrest of LET leader Hafiz Mohammad Sayeed is a
step in the right direction, but the government must keep
pressuring these groups by restricting their funding sources,
confiscating their weapons, and destroying their ability to
propagate their extremist, violent message. Firm action against the
LET would also help defuse tensions with India, which has
repeatedly raised its concerns about the group and suspects it may
even be linked to the Mumbai bombings. In his August 15 Indian
Independence Day speech, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called on
Pakistan to take concrete steps to prevent cross-border terrorism,
and noted that "terrorism anywhere is a threat to peace and
prosperity everywhere."
The same holds for Pakistan's treatment of remaining Taliban
members in the country. In a televised national address last month,
Musharraf vowed to crack down on extremism and warned that Taliban
elements were trying to threaten Pakistan's moderate, progressive
society. The key question is whether Musharraf will follow his
words with action.
Second, to improve Pakistani public opinion toward America, we need
to structure our assistance programs in a way that demonstrates the
U.S. supports improving the lives of average Pakistanis, and isn't
merely trying to buy regime support for counterterrorism
cooperation. U.S. economic assistance to Pakistan since 9/11 has
focused largely on debt relief and direct budget support to the
government and to a lesser extent on education, health care and
development projects. We need to steer more assistance toward
projects that touch the grassroots of society and fortify
democratic institutions. Opening the political playing field in
Pakistan through free, fair and participatory elections next year
would help limit the influence of anti-West, pro-Taliban
Let's Not Wait for another Disaster
The robust response of the U.S. government to the devastating
earthquake that hit Pakistan on October 8, 2005, shows how our
assistance helps shape attitudes toward Americans. A poll conducted
by the nonprofit organization Terror Free Tomorrow indicates that
the number of Pakistanis with favorable views of the U.S. doubled
from 23 percent in May 2005 to 46 percent in November 2005. Yet it
shouldn't take a natural catastrophe for the Pakistani people to
understand that the U.S. cares about them and their future
prosperity. We need to think more carefully about ways to influence
public opinion through our multi-year, multi-billion dollar aid
groups like LET also assisted the earthquake victims and helped in
early rescue efforts even before the Pakistan military or
international aid workers were able to reach some of the far-flung
areas. Pakistani observers noted at the time that these extremist
groups reestablished their credibility through their relief efforts
and warned that Pakistan's government would need to ensure their
resources were not used to promote terrorism. The recent reports
that earthquake-relief funds collected in the U.K. were diverted to
the airliner plot - if accurate - wouldn't be surprising and would
emphasize the need for close scrutiny of the private relief funds
collected in the U.S.
Third, we need to be more creative in our diplomatic efforts with
the Pakistan government to encourage President Musharraf to take
actions that may be politically challenging. We should leverage our
influence more effectively, especially given the Bush
administration's landmark decision to sell F-16s to the country for
the first time in 16 years. This is a significant demonstration of
U.S. support for Pakistan and its long-term security and gives
Musharraf ammunition in responding to critics who question the
benefits of an expanded relationship with the U.S.
Additional successes in the global War on Terror, like the foiled
airliner plot, will require continued robust engagement with
Pakistan on numerous fronts, as well as creative initiatives to
deal with the complex socio-religious dynamics in the country. The
plan to develop "Reconstruction Opportunity Zones" (ROZs) in the
underdeveloped Pakistan-Afghanistan border areas to promote trade
and economic opportunity represents one such innovative
More importantly, long-term success in the War on Terror will
require that Pakistan not only focus its efforts on al Qaeda, but
also crack down on domestic groups that propagate violence,
undermine values of peace and moderation, and provide support and
legitimacy to the destructive and hateful ideology of al Qaeda.
Without taking a broader view of countering terrorism, President
Musharraf will not achieve his goal of an enlightened, moderate
Pakistan - and the civilized world will be more likely to suffer
further acts of mass murder and destruction at the hands of
terrorists seeking to impose their totalitarian ideology.
Lisa Curtis is a senior research fellow at the Heritage
First appeared in the National Review Online