Middle East


Middle East

The Middle East, the world’s most volatile and conflict-ridden region, continues to generate some of the most dangerous threats to U.S. security.


Learn more about policies that aim to stabilize the most volatile region in the world with Solutions.


U.S. Must Be Wary of Doomed Peace Accord in Syria James Phillips

Nov 2, 2018 9 min read


U.S. Iran Policy After the Demise of the Nuclear Deal James Phillips

Aug 6, 2018 35 min read


Next Steps for U.S. Policy in Syria and Iraq

Apr 26, 2018 6 min read


How the U.S. Can—and Should—Promote Freedom in Iran James Phillips

Apr 12, 2018 6 min read


Time to End or Mend the Iran Nuclear Agreement James Phillips

Jan 8, 2018 7 min read


Time to Decertify the Iran Nuclear Agreement James Phillips

Oct 2, 2017 10 min read


President Trump’s Middle East Trip: An Opportunity to Reset Relations James Phillips

May 18, 2017 6 min read