Middle East


Middle East

The Middle East, the world’s most volatile and conflict-ridden region, continues to generate some of the most dangerous threats to U.S. security.


Learn more about policies that aim to stabilize the most volatile region in the world with Solutions.

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Nuclear Negotiations with Iran: U.S. Must Avoid a Rush to Failure James Phillips

Nov 22, 2014 4 min read


Obama’s Saudi Summit: Focus on Iran, Syria, Egypt, and Terrorism James Phillips

Mar 27, 2014 4 min read


Iran Gains Sanctions Relief from the Obama Administration James Phillips

Nov 8, 2013 2 min read


U.S. Should Maximize Pressure on Iran at Nuclear Talks James Phillips

Oct 18, 2013 4 min read


Iran’s Election: Little Hope for Change James Phillips

Jun 14, 2013 2 min read


Iran Steps Up Its Global Terrorism Campaign James Phillips

Jun 5, 2013 2 min read


Syria Crisis: U.S. Leadership Needed to Coordinate Allies James Phillips

May 16, 2013 4 min read