Middle East


Middle East

The Middle East, the world’s most volatile and conflict-ridden region, continues to generate some of the most dangerous threats to U.S. security.


Learn more about policies that aim to stabilize the most volatile region in the world with Solutions.


Iran’s Nuclear Efforts Are Accelerating James Phillips

Jun 11, 2011 1 min read


Iran’s Missile Buildup: New Reports of Foreign Assistance James Phillips

Jun 2, 2011 2 min read


Revolution in the Middle East: Heritage Recommendations The Heritage Foundation

Mar 15, 2011 4 min read


Tehran Takes the Chance to Sow Chaos Peter Brookes

Mar 8, 2011 2 min read


Iran's Green Movement Revives, Energized by Egyptian Revolt James Phillips

Feb 18, 2011 2 min read


Refocus on Iran: More Sanctions Needed James Phillips

Feb 14, 2011 5 min read