Middle East


Middle East

The Middle East, the world’s most volatile and conflict-ridden region, continues to generate some of the most dangerous threats to U.S. security.


Learn more about policies that aim to stabilize the most volatile region in the world with Solutions.


The Iran nuclear deal: Peeling back the layers James Phillips

Aug 31, 2015 3 min read


What happens if Congress says no to the Iran deal? Kim R. Holmes, Ph.D.

Aug 19, 2015 2 min read


The Iran deal: A diplomatic speed hump James Phillips

Jul 22, 2015 3 min read


U.S. Must Avoid an Iraq-Like Meltdown in Afghanistan Lisa Curtis

Jul 20, 2015 3 min read


The Most Glaring Flaws in Obama’s Iran Deal James Phillips

Jul 14, 2015 3 min read