Middle East


Middle East

The Middle East, the world’s most volatile and conflict-ridden region, continues to generate some of the most dangerous threats to U.S. security.


Learn more about policies that aim to stabilize the most volatile region in the world with Solutions.

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The U.N. Bloody Hands Commission

May 24, 2004 3 min read


Three Middle East Summits James Phillips

Apr 12, 2004 5 min read


A Middle East Roadmap to Gridlock? James Phillips

Jun 5, 2003 3 min read


Women and the Transition to Democracy:  Iraq, Afghanistan,Beyond Paula J. Dobriansky

Apr 11, 2003 13 min read


The U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative: Building Hope for the Years Ahead The Honorable Colin L. Powell

Dec 17, 2002 13 min read


Palestinian Terrorism Destroys Any Hope for Peace The Heritage Foundation

Dec 5, 2001 1 min read