Monetary Policy


Monetary Policy

Monetary policy is critical, because the wrong money supply can severely alter the economy even if the fiscal (tax and spending) policies are ideally suited to economic growth.


Why H.R. 842 Is Anything But "Truth in Budgeting" Ronald D. Utt, Ph.D.

Apr 12, 1996 6 min read


How Congress's $245 Billion Tax Cut Repeals Just One-Third of the 1990 and 19... Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D.

Oct 19, 1995 4 min read


Most Aid Recipients Vote Against U.S. at U.N. Bryan T. Johnson

Apr 12, 1995 5 min read


How to Achieve $11 Billion in Savings from Privatization in FY 1996 Ronald D. Utt, Ph.D.

Feb 22, 1995 13 min read


Why America Needs A Balanced Budget Amendment Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D.

Oct 15, 1993 6 min read


How Clinton's Budget Plan Taxes the Elderly Joe Cobb

Jun 4, 1993 5 min read