New Poll in Battleground States Reveals Ukraine Fatigue; Border Security a Top Priority

New Poll in Battleground States Reveals Ukraine Fatigue; Border Security a Top Priority

Apr 15, 2024 4 min read

WASHINGTON—Today, The Heritage Foundation released new polling data that reveals a vast majority of moderate Americans in key swing states oppose proposals that send more funding to Ukraine, especially before America’s own borders are secure. The polling was conducted on behalf of The Heritage Foundation by nonpartisan, public opinion pollster RMG Research, INC. and fielded between April 2 and 4, 2024, to voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nevada. The United States has already sent $113 billion of American taxpayer money to Ukraine, despite opposition across the political spectrum.  

Dr. Kevin Roberts, president of The Heritage Foundation stated:  

“Everyday Americans are fed up with rubberstamping the Swamp’s endless Ukraine funding. Heritage’s latest polling reveals that not only are moderate voters in battleground states more interested in securing our own borders, they believe we have already spent enough helping Ukraine—and rightfully so.  


“The United States has already sent more than $113 billion in aid to Ukraine with no debate, no clear strategy, no spending offsets, and no real accountability. Alarmingly, two separate Pentagon audits reveal that large tranches of this funding are mostly unaccounted for. That’s unacceptable.  


“Not a single U.S. taxpayer dollar should be going to Ukraine until our own borders are secure, Biden proposes a coherent strategy for ending the conflict, and full accountability for past and future funding secured.   


“The American people know they deserve better and expect policies—and leaders—that put their country first. Congress would be wise to listen to them.” 


Below are some main takeaways from the six battleground states:  

  • Three-quarters of all moderate Americans in swing states would oppose a proposal that sent more funding to Ukraine and did not include funding to secure the southern border.  

  • A majority of moderates (56%) think the $113 billion the U.S. has already spent helping Ukraine is too much.  

  • A similar proportion (54%) think the U.S. should spend more to secure the southern border than help Ukraine. 

  • Moderate Americans are currently following news on the southern border more closely than the war in Ukraine (22% vs. 10% very closely). 

  • Only a very small percentage (10%) of moderates think we should spend more on Ukraine than border security. 


Scott Rasmussen, president of RMG Research, INC. added:  


“American voters are reluctant to provide additional aid to Ukraine. Our latest polling indicates that Americans in key swing states believe that securing our own southern border should be a higher priority than funding Ukraine.  


“Virtually all respondents believe that the United States has already given enough aid to Ukraine. Only about 12% of voters believe that the United States has not done enough." 



This Counterpolling™ survey of 1,000 Swing Voters in Battleground States was conducted online for the Heritage Foundation by RMG Research, Inc. on April 2-4, 2024.  

The Battleground States surveyed were Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nevada. Swing Voters were defined as Likely Voters who are either undecided on the presidential election, undecided on the Generic Congressional Ballot, or expressed a different partisan preference on the Presidential and Congressional races.  

Fifty-four percent (54%) of these Swing Voters are politically independent, 25% are Republicans, and 20% are Democrats.