Heritage Expert Responds to Decision in Obamacare Lawsuit

Heritage Expert Responds to Decision in Obamacare Lawsuit

Dec 15, 2018 1 min read

Today, a U.S. District Court in Texas declared that Obamacare is unconstitutional. The Heritage Foundation’s Marie Fishpaw, director of domestic policy studies, offered the following response:
“This legal verdict is a reminder that Obamacare’s faulty architecture was created by Washington and we should not expect Washington to make it better. Congress should resist any knee-jerk reactions that prop up a failing health law.
And they don't need to buy into the false dilemma that only Obamacare allows Americans with pre-existing conditions to get coverage. Instead, Congress should let states review their health insurance regulations and pursue innovative ways to make coverage more affordable and accessible to Americans—regardless of their income or medical status.”
Ultimately, Congress should support legislation that further empowers states to accomplish this goal. Conservatives have a plan to do just that. The Health Care Choices Proposal calls for Congress to undo Obamacare's damage by letting states innovate.

The plan would convert existing spending–which today goes to insurance companies–into a grant that states would use to ensure chronically ill patients have access to the health coverage of their choice. Greater flexibility and resources to the states means that all Americans, even those who are chronically sick, have access to more health plans at better prices."