The Business Perspective and Cost of Doing Nothing on Tax Reform

Event Taxes
Event Taxes

October 24, 2017 The Business Perspective and Cost of Doing Nothing on Tax Reform

Join us for a lively panel discussion on corporate tax reform proposals and the significant benefits they will have on American workers and our economy.

Tuesday, Oct 24, 2017

10:30 am - 11:30 am

The Heritage Foundation

214 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC

Featured Speakers

The Honorable

Sen. David Perdue


United States Senator

Joshua Bolten

President and CEO, Business Roundtable


Join us for a lively panel discussion on corporate tax reform proposals and the significant benefits they will have on American workers and our economy. Heritage Tax Policy Expert Adam Michel will be joined by U.S. Senator David Perdue (R-GA), the only Fortune 500 CEO in Congress and key influencer in the GOP tax reform process, and Joshua Bolten, President and CEO of Business Roundtable, an association of CEOs of leading U.S. companies that generate more than $7 trillion in annual revenues and employ more than 16 million people.

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