Australian Hostage-Taker Poster Boy for ISIS Propaganda Efforts to Incite ‘Lone Wolf’ Terrorist Attacks


Australian Hostage-Taker Poster Boy for ISIS Propaganda Efforts to Incite ‘Lone Wolf’ Terrorist Attacks

Dec 16, 2014 1 min read

Former Visiting Fellow, Allison Center

James Phillips was a Visiting Fellow for Middle Eastern affairs at The Heritage Foundation.

Australian police yesterday locked down the financial district of Sydney in response to a hostage-taking incident reportedly carried out by an Iranian refugee with a long criminal record. Man Haron Monis, who is also known as Sheikh Haron, held an unknown number of hostages before being shot and killed in a police raid earlier today.

Sheikh Haron, a self-styled Muslim cleric with no reported religious credentials, had demanded to speak to Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. He also demanded to be provided with an ISIS flag. His website reportedly contained a pledge of support for ISIS.

Haron was out on bail, charged with involvement in his ex-wife’s murder, and recently lost a legal appeal. He also pleaded guilty last year to writing offensive letters to the families of Australian soldiers who had been killed in the war in Afghanistan, which he vociferously opposed.

The self-declared Sheikh was arrested in April for the alleged sexual assault of a woman in 2002 after luring her to his clinic by claiming he was as an expert in “astrology, meditation and black magic.” After more sexual assault victims came forward, he received 40 additional charges in October.

Haroun, who came to Australia as a refugee from Iran in 1996 when he was granted political asylum, had sparked calls for tightening Australia’s immigration rules after his role became known in sending poison pen letters to the families of dead Australian soldiers.

Now his criminal terrorist acts may further strengthen calls for changes in Australia’s immigration law.

Sheik Haroun also is a poster boy for ISIS propaganda efforts aimed at inciting “lone wolf” terrorist attacks against western countries.

Sadly, he is unlikely to be the last to commit atrocities inspired by the ISIS brand of Islamist totalitarianism.

This piece originally appeared in The Daily Signal