Heritage Applauds Administration’s New Restrictions on Fetal Tissue Research

Heritage Applauds Administration’s New Restrictions on Fetal Tissue Research

Jun 5, 2019 1 min read

Upon news that the Trump Administration has imposed new restrictions on federal funding for fetal tissue obtained via elective abortions, Heritage Foundation research associate Melanie Israel offered the following reaction:

“The Trump Administration has rightfully taken action to separate federal research funding from the abortion industry. Good science and life-affirming, ethical research aren’t mutually exclusive. Indeed, it is ethically derived sources—such as discarded surgical tissue and adult stem cells—that have contributed to successful treatments for a variety of ailments, not tissue obtained from elective abortions.”

“The United States is a worldwide leader in pursuits of scientific discovery. Thanks to the Trump Administration, federally funded projects will continue conducting vitally important, life-saving research while also respecting innocent human life.”