America’s Indo-Pacific Policy: Prospects during a Critical Time of Change

Event China
Event China

September 23, 2019 America’s Indo-Pacific Policy: Prospects during a Critical Time of Change

~ The Annual B.C. Lee Lecture ~

Monday, Sep 23, 2019

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The Heritage Foundation

214 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC


The Honorable Dan Sullivan (R-AK)

United States Senator, Chairman of the International Republican Institute


The Heritage Foundation is honored to host Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) for our signature event on U.S. policy in the Indo-Pacific. Heritage’s annual B.C. Lee Lecture on international affairs was endowed by the Samsung Group in honor of its founder, the late B.C. Lee, to focus on the U.S. relationship with the Indo-Pacific. Senator Sullivan continues the B.C. Lee tradition of speakers representing leading voices in America’s Asia policy. Previous lectures have been delivered by Henry Kissinger, Jesse Helms, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Joseph Lieberman, Ed Royce, Robert Zoellick, John McCain, and many others. We look forward to hearing Senator Sullivan’s views on Indo-Pacific policy in what is a very challenging time for American interests. Please join us for another enlightening event in this series.

Attendance will be limited for this function, so your prompt RSVP is very much appreciated.

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