Heritage Expert Responds to ACA Court Case Decision

Heritage Expert Responds to ACA Court Case Decision

Dec 18, 2019 1 min read

Washington, D.C.—Following the decision from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals on the Affordable Care Act, Marie Fishpaw, director of domestic policy studies at the Heritage Foundation, offered the below comment.

“Today’s decision reminds us that Obamacare has been on shaky ground since its creation. Patients deserve better than the high costs, limited choices, and narrow provider networks that Obamacare brought to the health care system.

This decision does not change the health care system in the near term. And nothing changes for people enrolled in Obamacare as this case makes its way through the legal system. But it does signal that Congress should enact legislation that lowers health care costs, increases choices, and protects those with pre-existing conditions.

The Trump administration has eased some of Obamacare’s burdens but ultimately Congress must act to deliver more relief. The Health Care Choices Proposal, which has support from more than 100 policy experts, builds on the success the administration has made. It would protect people with pre-existing conditions, reduce premiums by up to one-third, and put people back in charge of their health care decisions.”