Congress should act quickly to address the needs of displaced workers affected by the September 11 terrorist attacks, but the assistance must be structured properly. Members interested in preserving and improving America's private health care system should not miss this opportunity to formulate policies that offer consumers options with respect to their health insurance. It is wrong to use the current crisis as a pretext to expand government control over the health care system bit by bit. Liberals in Congress, for example, have already proposed expanding Medicaid, a poorly performing welfare program that neither they nor their family would enroll in if they could avoid it. Temporarily displaced American workers and their families should not be dumped into inferior government entitlement programs, such as Medicaid. Members of Congress can take decisive steps to begin to create superior options for health care coverage that is controlled by individuals and families, rather than bureaucrats, and move the nation's troubled health care system in a new and positive direction.
The Bush Administration and numerous Members in Congress, including Senators George Allen (R-VA) and Jim Jeffords (I-VT) and Representatives Bill Thomas (R-CA) and John Boehner (R-OH), acknowledge the unique circumstances facing these displaced workers and have offered proposals to assist them during these difficult times. Each proposal provides a foundation to which crucial improvements can be made to promote individual access to quality private health care coverage.
Proposal # 1:
Premium Support for COBRA Payments. All the proposals offer
displaced workers some form of assistance to help pay for their
COBRA premiums. Allowing employees to maintain their employer-based
health care coverage is a good idea. However, there are some
limitations to this approach. First, some employers of displaced
workers will pay for their employee's COBRA coverage for up to six
months. Second, those employees eligible for COBRA coverage but who
are not fortunate enough to have their employers pick up the tab
are required to pay up to 102 percent of the premium in after-tax
dollars. A recent Kaiser Family Foundation study on employer-based
health insurance found that the average cost in 2001 for family
coverage was $7,056 - that amounts to almost $600 a month for COBRA
coverage. For an unemployed worker without income, that is an
expensive choice. Third, not all displaced workers are eligible for
COBRA coverage. Some employers may not have offered coverage to
their employees or the employee may have chosen not to participate
due to cost. Furthermore, COBRA coverage does not apply to those
employers with under 20 employees. In a 1999 Urban Institute
survey, only 57 percent of all workers were potentially eligible
for COBRA coverage. Only 32 percent of workers with low incomes
would have the option of COBRA coverage and one-quarter of those
who have COBRA would be able to continue their coverage.
Key Recommendation: Extend premium support to alternative coverage policies of the employee's choice. In many cases, an alternative policy may be more affordable than the employer-sponsored plan. Most employer-sponsored plans offer very broad benefits coverage to try to meet employees' needs. Allowing employees to decide how they want their money spent means they can choose a plan that is affordable and meets their individual medical needs. For example, an employee with a family may not have been able to afford the employer-sponsored family coverage, but by providing assistance to the displaced worker, this same family could purchase a more affordable family policy on their own, thus increasing the number of insured spouses and children. The House Ways and Means Committee's "Economic Security and Recovery Act of 2001" offers a good option. It does not limit appropriated funds only to COBRA payments, but chooses to broaden allowable use "to purchase health care coverage." Congress should allow allocated funds to be used to assist displaced workers and their families maintain or obtain private health insurance coverage of the worker's choice. A refundable tax credit, or voucher, would be preferred and work best.
This recommendation offers an opportunity to return some fiscal control to the displaced worker during these financially difficult times. It also extends financial assistance to those individuals who are not eligible for COBRA coverage. Finally, it expands the opportunity for those individuals and families who have limited or no coverage.
Proposal # 2:
Access to Unused SCHIP Funds. The President, through executive
action, has announced that he will permit states to use unspent
SCHIP monies to help displaced workers with health coverage. There
is approximately $11 billion in unused SCHIP funds immediately
available for states to access. President Bush stated that in order
to use these funds, states should follow the new Health Insurance
Flexibility and Accountability (HIFA) demonstration project process
and has directed the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS) to expedite these applications. The HIFA initiative
encourages states to develop innovative ways to use Medicaid and
SCHIP funds to expand access to private health insurance for the
uninsured. According to HIFA documents, states are strongly
encouraged to "maximize private health insurance coverage
Key Recommendation: Support the President's proposal and resist expanding Medicaid and SCHIP enrollment. Opening state access to SCHIP funds is important, however, just as important is how states will use these funds. With state budgets increasingly strained, Governors are looking for ways to increase revenue. The availability of unspent funds may entice Governors to simply place these displaced workers on Medicaid or SCHIP programs and deposit the money into their budgets. Instead of increasing the welfare rolls by enrolling displaced workers in crippling state-run health insurance, states should help these workers and their families maintain or obtain their own private health insurance. The President's proposal is right and Congress should support it and defeat any efforts to expand Medicaid or SCHIP.
This recommendation offers states a unique opportunity to promote the benefits of private health insurance. It offers displaced workers an alternative to government-run welfare programs by providing them assistance for private coverage. These hard-working Americans do not want to be on welfare, but need a helping-hand to cover themselves and their families as they get back on their feet.
Displaced workers are looking for health care security during these
difficult times. Congressional opponents of patient choice want to
help by expanding a government run, financed and controlled health
care system. Proponents of patient choice and free markets in
health care, instead of blindly deferring to the status quo, can
chart a superior course that will improve the access and quality of
health care for America's families. Instead of waiting for the
'right' time, Congress must take this opportunity to begin
implementing good health care policy. The recommendations outlined
above will inject individual choice in the health care system. Now
is the time to take decisive, if only incremental, action to secure
the personal freedom of patients and protect the quality of
America's health care system.
Nina Owcharenko, Health Care Policy Analyst, The Heritage Foundation