March 18, 2020 POSTPONED: The Case Against Economic Nationalism
Out of an abundance of caution, we have decided to postpone this program and will reschedule for a later date. Please continue to refer back to as more information becomes available.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
The Heritage Foundation
Lehrman Auditorium
Hosted by
Times are tough for market liberalism as calls to empower Washington to manage the economy continue to grow. Whether it’s protecting favored industries with subsidies, government loans, and preferential tax treatment or targeting specific industries with increased regulation or even price controls—economic nationalism is garnering favor from across the political spectrum. Efforts to empower politicians and bureaucrats to shape a nation’s economy should be resisted. American families and businesses are best able to make decisions for themselves through markets bound by institutions like the rule of law and property rights. Evidence shows that long-term well-being and prosperity are enhanced by expanding economic freedom, not by centralizing power. Please join us for a lecture on this timely and important issue.
LEGAL MEMO 35 min read
LEGAL MEMO 35 min read
REPORT About an hour read