March 11, 2020 In Defense of Capitalism
Registration for this event is now closed. Walk-in registrations are welcome.
The threat to free enterprise is alive and well on the left, but in addition, center-right skeptics have emerged who view capitalism as the cause of social, familial, and economic decay.
Wednesday, Mar 11, 2020
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The Heritage Foundation

The Honorable Pat Toomey (R-PA)
Hosted by
The threat to free enterprise is alive and well on the left, but in addition, center-right skeptics have emerged who view capitalism as the cause of social, familial, and economic decay. In pushing back against these critics, Senator Toomey will make both the empirical and philosophical case for why capitalism produces the best conditions for the largest number of people.
LEGAL MEMO 35 min read
LEGAL MEMO 35 min read
REPORT About an hour read