Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James Applauds Choice of Mark Meadows as White House Chief of Staff

Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James Applauds Choice of Mark Meadows as White House Chief of Staff

Mar 7, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James made the following statement about President Donald Trump’s selection of Rep. Mark Meadows as White House chief of staff:

“Congressman Mark Meadows is a strong leader, principled conservative, and excellent choice to serve as President Donald Trump’s chief of staff. In this new role at the White House, he will be in a position to advance the president’s agenda and promote conservative policy ideas.

“Throughout his tenure in the House, Congressman Meadows represented his district honorably and became one of the most visible conservative lawmakers on Capitol Hill. His leadership of the House Freedom Caucus elevated conservative ideas and defenders of liberty.

“The Heritage Foundation has worked closely with Congressman Meadows and our team is excited as he steps into this important new role at the White House.

“We are grateful for the leadership of Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, who helped bring new ideas to the White House and played a pivotal role in several major policy victories, including the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. We look forward to working with him in his new role as special envoy for Northern Ireland.”