Klon Kitchen Joins Washington Post's "Network" Tech Group

Klon Kitchen Joins Washington Post's "Network" Tech Group

Mar 10, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTON – Today, The Washington Post announced Klon Kitchen, Heritage senior research fellow for technology, as a new contributor to its respected “Technology 202 Network,” a diverse group of technology and cyber experts across the public and private sectors. Contributors take part in regular surveys on the most pressing technology questions and debates of the day, helping educate the public and policymakers on these challenges and opportunities. Kitchen leads the tech policy effort at Heritage, and is a 15-year veteran of the U.S. intelligence community. 

James Carafano, Heritage vice president for national security and foreign policy, offered the following response on Kitchen’s selection: “As America moves forward to confront the evolving challenges of the 21st century, the issues of technology and cybersecurity will be one of the most dominant and all-encompassing we face. It’s therefore essential that we begin thinking about and implementing sound tech policy now so that we are prepared later. I can think of no one better than Klon to be part of this important effort, and look forward to the work of this group of experts in the coming days.”

To request an interview with Klon on tech/cyber-related issues, please contact [email protected].

Check out "Technology 202 Network" here.