April 16, 2020 WEBINAR: Pandemic Ethics: Human Flourishing During a Crisis
In the next few weeks, as the pandemic perhaps reaches its zenith, Americans will have the opportunity to decide once again what sort of society we intend to be.
Thursday, Apr 16, 2020
10:30 am - 11:30 am

Hosted by
In the next few weeks, as the pandemic perhaps reaches its zenith, Americans will have the opportunity to decide once again what sort of society we intend to be. What moral principles should guide our decisions if we must prioritize or ration care? What moral principles justify—and limit—government restrictions on public gatherings and other activities? How do religious liberty and establishment issues intersect with public policy combating Coronavirus? And how should we think about protecting both human lives and human flourishing? Join us for a conversation with a group of academic experts on medicine, ethics, and human flourishing.
COMMENTARY 4 min read
COMMENTARY 3 min read
COMMENTARY 6 min read