April 21, 2020 WEBINAR: More Government Control in Health Care is Not the Answer
Response to the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates how deregulation can provide quick and flexible access to needed care and services. Yet, some policymakers want to go the opposite direction.
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2020
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Hosted by
Response to the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates how deregulation can provide quick and flexible access to needed care and services. Yet, some policymakers want to go the opposite direction. These efforts to expand Obamacare or adopt “Medicare for All” represent a massive expansion of government control of health coverage at a time when Americans can least afford it. What are the early lessons of deregulation? How would expanding Obamacare or adopting “Medicare for All” impact patient access to care and services? What is the right answer to health care reform? Join us for a discussion with health care experts.
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Health Care Choices Resource Kit
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