Students can use this platform to access videos on various subjects such as math, history, science, and English. The platform offers more than 7,000 in 13 different subjects for free.
Core Knowledge offers a vast array of K-8 resources. Their Language Arts, History and Geography, and Science curricula are available for free. More products are available for purchase in their online store.
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Provides curriculum in literature and writing for grades K-12.
- Curriculum for homeschool families
- Curriculum for Private schools
- Curriculum for hybrid schools
- Curriculum for district schools
An elementary and secondary history curriculum in light of Catholic teachings and events. Their products include textbooks, student workbooks, and teacher manuals.
Age of Learning: ABCmouse, Adventure Academy, Reading IQ
The full online curriculum for pre-K, elementary, and middle school students is free. The program is designed to engage students in learning activities and develop reading skills.
The platform has award winning digital textbooks developed for K-12 students.
Calvert Homeschool (Free Trial Only)
Due to COVID-19, Calvert Homeschool is offering three months of free access to their online homeschool curriculum for grades 3-12. Use the promo code: calvert90 to sign up for free access.