Your New Taxes Working for You

Report Taxes

Your New Taxes Working for You

November 2, 1990 26 min read Download Report
Scott A.
(Archived document, may contain errors)

795 November 2,1990 YOUR NEW TAXES WORKING FOR YOU INTRODUCITON Washington has cheated the brim taxpayer once again with another grand budget deal that allegedly will reduce the deficit. Congressional leaders arc now congratulating themselves for their Ipolitical courage" in passing what they claim Q a five-year plan to eliminate the deficit by raising over $140 billion in new taxes and enacting deep cuts in federal sp ending. Supporters of this plan are telling the tr& when they say that taxes will rise, they are not when they say that spending will be cut.

Members of Congress did not have the courage to cut one dollar of waste pork, fraud, or unneccss81y spending hm th e 6scall991 budget. Indeed they gave their favorite programs healthy increases ovcr fiscal 1990 funding levels, and these programs will continue to grow over the five-year life of this package. Nondefense domestic spending is guaranteed to increase by $24 5 billion through 1995, or 6 percent per yew, to this must be added growth in net interest on the debt and the cost of the Savings and Loan bailout. Rather than applying the new tax revenues toward deficit reduction, Congress in stead will spend 61.75 for every new dollar of taxes raised in this package.

Addicted to Spending. The alleged "savings" in this package really are so called "spending off-sets" comprised of $110 billion in increased user fees hidden taxes, and budgetary accounting gimmicks. Since e very dollar of revenues raised through these off-sets frees up another dollar for more pro gram spending, Congress can claim to be saving taxpayers money while in creasing spending proportionately.The only honest method of reducing federal spending is for members of Congress to admit that they are addicted to spending and to show political courage by shooing the special interest groups away from the federal feeding trough Questions for Congress. There is no need for Congress to dismantle the social safety n et or weaken national security to reduce the deficit. Members of Congress do need to ask whether each federal program, such as those listed in the appendix to this study, truly serve the national interest. Should taxpayers in Florida, for example, pay par t of the $4.4 million needed for a railroad crossing project in Springfield;Illinois Or should residents of Min neapolis subsidize a 2.6 million flood control project at the Sam Rayburn Reservoir inTexas Is it really a national priority to spend $3.6 milli on for an urban gardening program 205,000 for the Karamu Theater Project in Cleveland, Ohio, or $50,000 for seedless grape research in Arkansas?

Congressmen should ask a few simple questions about each program. If they answer yes, then the program does not require federal funds, and Con gress should take action to reform, restructure, or eliminate the program.

The questions 1) Does the program serve localized or special interests rather than 2) Has the program failed, fulfilled its mission, outlived its us efulness 3) Is Congress funding duplicate or contradictory programs 4) Does the program or service have identifiable users and should not these users pay for the service or good they receive 5) Is Congress engaging in central planning or attempting to set na tional priorities that should be left to communities or individuals 6) Can the program or service be provided by private charities and neighborhood organizations 7) Is the federal program competing with private commercial enterprises 8) Has Congress pr e vented people from helping themselves by em powering bureaucrats and experts rather than those individuals that the program was intended to help 9) Is Congress creating a program to compensate for laws or regula tions that prevent the private sector from r esponding to peoples needs and demands 10) If deficit reduction is so important, cannot spending for this project or program be postponed another year until the government is in a better financial position the nation as a whole or simply become irrelevant To be sure, many programs currently funded by the federal government may be worthwhile. Yet they may be best provided by smaller branches of government, the private sector, or individuals themselves. Filling potholes on 2 Main Street and fixing a local ra ilroad crossing in Springfield are not roles for a national Congress.

Many programs were established to achieve specific national goals during extreme national conditions like the Depression or World War 11, yet they were never dismantled when these condit ions changed. Example: the Rural Electrification Administration REA) was established during the 1930s to bring electricity, and later telephone service to rural America. Today, nearly 100 percent of rural America has electkity and nearly 99 percent has te l ephones, yet REA still spends $2 billion of taxpayers money per year Duplications and Contradictions. Since Congress almost never ends out dated programs or reforms them to meet modem times, it tends to add new layers of programs on top of the old when co n stituents demand congressional action. Congress also tends to spread these new programs over many agencies so that as many constituencies as possible become dependent on the pro gram. If a new program then proves a failure or contradicts the mission of an other program, Congress then creates yet another layer of programs to solve the problems generated by the duplication. Example: There are roughly 60 anti-poverty programs administered by the federal government.

Nearly every federal agency has its own anti- poverty program, including the military, if certain veterans assistance programs are counted. Recent pres sures on Congress to do something about homelessness led to the passage of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987, named after the l a te Connecticut Republican Congressman, which created seventeen dif ferent programs administered through seven federal agencies cies become most dependent when Congress makes itself the sole funding source for a program, especially one which has noble or l o fty goals. Then the nobility of the programs goal places an invisible barrier against public scrutiny and accountability. In human health research programs, for ilistance the result of this lack of scrutiny is often absurd projects, such as the fabled 84, O OO study of why people fall in love or the $2,500 study of the causes of rudeness, lying, and cheating on tennis courts. Requiring researchers to get half of their research monies from the private sector would seem a reasonable method of weeding out such p rojects Creating dependent constituencies is the lifeblood of Congress. Constituen All of the shortcomings of the budget process led to the chaotic situation in Washington this fall.The federal government was kept open by emergency legislation for a few d ays at a time, and even closed for two days. Members of Congress were asked to vote on huge spending bill that they had no time to review. And in the end, spending increased to record levels.

Bracing for a Recession. At a time when families and many major corpora tions are bracing themselves for a recession, Congress is raising Americans taxes and expanding the size of government. With all of Congresss claims of spending cuts and deficit reduction, not one of the over 3 million civilian federal workers wil l lose his or her job as a result. In fact, most workers will receive pay increases and many programs actually will add more staff 3 The following pages compile some'of the programs that members of Con gress could have reformed or eljminated if they genuin e ly wanted to cut spending.This list is not exhaustive. Nor does it include examples from ap propriations bills not yet printed, such as the Departments of Defense and In terior, and the District of Columbia. Unavailable for scrutiny too is the ap propriat ions bill for the Legislative Branch. Had it been printed, it would show the 30 percent pay raise that Congress gave itself earlier this year.

Scott A. Hodge Grover M. Hermann Fellow in Federal Budgetary Affairs Heritage Foundation Research interns James G old, Kenneth Ian, Susan Wdkes, and Tom Word assisted in the preparation of this study 4 APPENDIX APPROPRIATIONS FOR AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND RELAbmD AGENCIES Total Conference Agreement 52.1 billion 7 billion over fiscal 1990 appropriations Agric ultural Research Service Research 621.5 million.

Kenaf Research Project 1.1 mil lion Russian Wheat Aphid 200,000 Soybean-based Ink 100,000 Scrapie/bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 300,000 Sweet Potato Research 250,000 Turkey Osteomyelitis Complex 200,000 Hawaii: Fruit Fly Eradication 900,000 Idaho, Utah: Bee Research 50,000 Idaho: Ve g etable Oils as Fuels 100,000 Oregon: Eastern Filbert Blight 67,000 New Mexico: Locoweed Research 200,000 Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia: Peanut Research 300,000 Research for a product purportedly with tremendous commercial potential for farmers 25,OOO of which goes to Lehigh University.This is apart from the $525,000 for general soybean research with an additional $150,000 specifically to research the Sweet Potato Whitefly Buildings and Facilities Federally owned facilities 41 million.

Arkansas: Rice Re search Center 223,000 Colorado: National Seed Storage Lab 3 million Texas: ARS Bee Lab 1.7 million Washington: U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Lab 5.1 million 5 Special Research Grants 61.9 million Includes Wood Utilization Research 2.8 million Safflower Researc h 248. 000 Animal Science Food Safety Consortium 1.8 million Soybean Research 493. 000 Brucellosis Research 475. 000 Guayule 6

68. O00 Crambe and Rapeseed 500. 000 National Center for Physical Acoustics 500. 000 Arkansas: SeedlessTable Grapes 50. 000 Massa chusetts: Belgian Endive 67. 000 Michigan: Asparagus Yield Decline 94. OOO Blueberry Shoestring Virus 92. 000 Celery Fusarium 39. 000 Missouri: Soybean Cyst Nemotode 333. 000 Nebraska: Sandhills Grazing Management Practices 99. 000 New Jersey: CranberryBl u eberry Disease and Breeding 260. 000 New Mexico: Broom Snakeweed 150. 000 Phytophthora Root Rot 12!5. 000 North Dakota: Grasshopper Bicontrol 73. 000 Oklahoma: Pecan Weevil 25. 000 Cooperative State Research Senrice 38 8.5 million Administration of Cooper a tive State Research Service 17.9 million Shrimp Aquaculture 3.4 million North Dakota: Maize Genetics Center loo. 000 Herd Management 375. 000 Cooperative State Research Buildings and Facilities 62.9 million Poultry Center of Excellence 3.8 million Center f or Alternative Pest Control 811. 000 Tennessee Arkansas: Extension Service 3893 million Includes Administration of Extension Service 9.2 million Smith-Lever Act Payments 252.6 million Urban Gardening Program 3;6 million Farm Safety 1.97 million Pesticide I mpact Assessment 3.2 million National Agricultural Library 16.8 million Animal and.Plant Health Inspection Service Salaries and Expenses 38 1.1 million Africanized Bee 500,000 Agricultural Quarantine Inspection 71.3 million Mediterranean Fruit Fly 12.2 mi l lion Screwworm 33.4 million Animal Damage Control-Operations 24.6 million Animal Health Compliance and Enforcement 12.4 million Boll Weevil 13.1 million Brucellosis Eradication 64.6 million CattleTicks 13 million Grasshopper and Mormon Cricket 3.4 million Noxious Weeds 1.1 million Pseudorabies 6.6 million Swine Health Protection 33 million Witchweed 5.1 million Buildings and Facilities 21.4 million Administrative and Operating Expenses: Conference agreement appropriates such I Extension Work to 1890 Land-g r ant Colleges and Tuskegee University 22.8 million With a reserve fund of $5 million Federal Crop Insurance Corporation sums as necessary. House had proposed $101.6 million versus a Senate proposal of 325.9 million. Operating Costs since 1981 were in exces s of $2 billion, and the program now costs over $1 billion per year. The Bush budget had proposed to terminate this program Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Fund 337.4 million 7 Rural Development Programs Rural Housing Insurance Fund Loans 2 billion Farm Ownership 542 million Operating Loans 3.5 billion Credit Insurance Fund 6 billion Rural Development Loan Fund 32.5 million Rural Development Grants 20.8 million Floor 622 million Ceiling 933 million Conservation Operations 375,000 Watershed and Flood Prev e ntion Operations 185.7 million Agricultural Conservation Program 190 million Water Bank Program 13.6 million Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund Loans Reimbursement for .net realized losses and. interest. subsidies of the Agricultural Rural Electrification Administration Loans: Soil Conservation Service Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE DEPARTMENTS OF COMMERCE JUSTICE, STATE,THE JUDICIARY AND RELATED AGENCIES Total Conference Agreement 193 billion Department of Comme r ce Economic Development Administration Economic Development Assistance Programs 209 million Includes 12.9 million for the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program, and $550,000 for industry grants. International Trade Administration 185 million Iowa, Ames Supp o rt costs for a new materials center 3 million Office of Textiles and Apparels 7.2 million Export Administration 43.5 million Minority Business Development Agency 40.5 million United StatesTravel and Tourism Administration 19.6 million Includes 3.3 million grant to the Tailored Clothing Technology Corporations 8 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOM Resource Information 83 million Alaskan Groundfish Surveys 700,000 Aquaculture 2.7 million Stuttgart Arkansas, Fish Farm 2.7 million Hawaii. Stoc k Management Plan 400,000 West Coast Groundfish 843,000 Gear Entaglement Studies 703,000 State and Industry Assistance Programs 21 million Includes: Interjurisdictional Fisheries Grants 3.5 million Anadromous Grants 2.3 million FisheriesTrade Promotion Act ivities 1.4 million Fish Oil Research 942,000 Mahi Mahi/U.S Asia Aquaculture 470,000 Seafood Consumer Center 1 million Ocean and Great Lakes Program 78 million Includes 3 million for Zebra Mussel Research.

National Weather Service 269 million Includes Frui t Frost Program 679,000 Susquehanna River Basin Flood System 700,000 Colorado River Basin Flood System 300,000 Fisheries Promotional Fund 2 million Technology Administration 4.2 million Information Products and Services National Technical Information Serv i ce 500,000 Industrial Technology Services 49 million Salaries and Expenses 15.2 million PublicTelecommunications Facilities, Planning and Construction 21.8 million International Fisheries Commissions 312 mllion Includes National Telecommunications and Inf o rmation Administration Department of State U.S. Bilateral Science and Technology Agreements 5 million Soviet-East European Research and Training 4.6 million Fishermans Guaranty Fund 900,000 9 Related Agencies Maritime Administration Operating-Differential Subsidies 216 million Operations and Training 69 million Ready Reserve Force: a million Advisory Comrhission'on Conferences in Ocean Shipping 5OO,OOO Commission on Agricultural Workers 1.45 million Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution 1 5 million Competitiveness Policy Council 750,000 Federal Communications Commission 115 million Federal Maritime Commission 16 million Federal Trade Commission 74 million Legal Services Corporation 327 million Salaries and Expenses 274 million St. Norbert C o llege 1.5 million University of Montana, School of Forestry 100,000 University of Kentucky, Somerset College 1.5 million West Philadelphia Economic Development Corp 15 million Assistance Program 1.2 million Natural Resources Development 15 million Central Europe Development 1 million Marine Mammal Commission 1.15 million Small Business Administration Grants University of Massachusetts, Small Business Development Center Technical APPROPRIATIONS FOR ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOPMENT Total Conference Agreement 20. 6 billion 1.7 billion over fiscal 1990 Army Corp of Engineers Magnetic Levitation (Maglev) Transportation Pilot Program 2 mllion Construction Productivity Advancement Research Program 3.5 million General Investigation 220 million 10 General Construction 1. 14 billion Operation and Maintenance 1.45 billion By State: Alabama lo23 million Alaska S7.9 million Includes $17 million for a navigation project in Mobile Harbor.

Includes $498,000 for a navigation project in Bethel Small Boat Harbor and $413,000 for Homer Small Boat Harbor.

Includes $34.3 million for a flood control project in Phoenix.

Includes 22.4 million for a navigation project on the McClellan -Ken Arkansas River and $9.5 million for locks and dams on the same river.

Includes 250,000 for a development study of the territories.

Includes 122,000 for beach erosion in Santa Barbara and $4.4 million for a navigation project at Redondo Beach.

Includes 441,OOO for a flood control project at Cherry Creek Lake (Denver and $2 million for a similiar project at John Martin Reservoir.

Includes 750,000 for a navigation project at North Cove.

Includes 22.4 million for a navigation project on an intercoastal waterway from Delaware River to Chesapeake Bay.

Includes 585,000 for drift removal on the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers.

Includes 3.2 million for the removal of aquatic growth and $2 million for a beach erosion project in Sarasota County.

Includes 1.1 million for a study on South Atlantic containerized cargo traffic and $5.1 million for a navigation project on Savannah Harbor.

Includes 4.5 million for a navigation project at Maalaea Harbor on Maui.

Includes 6.1 million for Dworshak Dam an d Reservoir Arizona 43.2 million Arkansas 104 million American Somoa 256,000 California Z7.2 million Colorado S.9 million Connecticut 3.9 million Delaware 34.5 million District of Columbia 1.1 million Florida 82.3 million Georgia 74.8 million Hawaii 6.1 m illion Idaho 10.3 million 11 Illinois S232.1 million Indiana 15.6 million Iowa 23.1 million Includes 104 million for construction of a locks on the Melvin Price River.

Includes $lO5,ooO for a study on shoreline erosion and $5.1 million for a flood control project in Evansville.

Includes 6.4 million for a navigation project on the Missouri River.

Includes $9 million for a flood contol project in Great Bend.

Includes $41 million for a flood control project on the Ohio River.

Includes $1.5 million for the removal of aquatic growth and $92.6 million for a navigation project on the Red River Waterway.

Includes 14.8 million on beach erosion on the Atlantic Coast and $294,000 for drift removal in Baltimore Harbor.

Includes $6.4 million for a navigation project on the Cape Cod Canal and $500,000 for a study of Boston Harbor.

Includes $lS,O00 for ice removal on the Sebewaing River and $3 million for a navigation project on the Detroit River.

Includes 397,000 for a flood control study of St. Paul and $8.5 million for a flood control project in Rochester.

Includes $3 million for flood control of the Sowashee Creek and $4.4 million for a navigation project on Pascagoula Harbor.

Includes $10.1 million for flood control of the Blue River Channel.

Includes $3.9 million for a project on the Libby Dam.

Includes $1 million for a flood control on the Missouri National Recreational River.

Includes $700,000 for a study of Lower Las Vegas wetlands Kansas: 33 1.5 million Kentucky 72.9 million Louisiana 25 6.3 million Maryland 33.7 million Massachusetts 38.9 million Michigan 34.9 million Minnesota 70.7 million Mississippi 15.3 million Missouri 71.3 million Montana 8.5 million Nebraska 13.7 million Nevada 311.9 million 12 New Hampshire 78.6 million New Jerse y 78.6 million New Mexico 8.8 million Includes 1 million for a flood control project on the Hopkinton Everett Lakes.

Includes 11.4 million for a navigation project on the Delaware River and $290,090 for a study.of the same river.

Includes $263,000 for a study of the Rio Grande floodway and $2 million for a flood control project of the Acequias Imgation System.

Includes $200,000 for a study of Montauk Point and $31 million for a navi gation project on Kill Van Kull and Newark Bay Channel and $3.3 million for drift removal in New York Harbor.

Includes 5.4 million for a navigation project Wilmington Harbor.

Includes $25.4 million for flood control in the Souris River Basin and $6.4 million for a project on the Garrison Dam on Lake Sakakawea.

Includes $300,000 for a study of the Ohio River and $11.2 million for flood control of Mill Creek.

Includes $13.6 million for a flood control project on Mingo Creek.

Includes $450,000 for an investigation of the Columbia River Treaty fishing access sites and $59 million for a navigation projection on the Bonneville Lock.

Includes 28 million for a navigation project at Point Marion and $2 million for a flood control project on Youghiogheny River Lake.

Includes 900,000 for a study of San Juan Harbor and $18.2 million for a flood control project on the Portuguese and Bucana Rivers.

Includes 11.4 million for a na\\iigation project in Charleston Harbor and $3.2 million for the Cooper River.

Includes $8 mil lion for a project on the Oahe Dam New York 77.2 million North Carolina 43.5 million North Dakota 42.8 million Ohio 43 million Oklahoma 57.9 million Oregon 261.8 million Pennsylvania 130.7 million Puerto Rico 22.9 million South Carolina 31.6 million South Dakota 22.9 million 13 Tennessee 60.9 million Texas 191.9 million Includes $400,000 for a flood control study of Mill Creek and $11 million for a navigation project on the Tennessee River.

Includes 1.1 million for a study of the Houston Galveston Navigati on Channels and $1 1 million for a flood control. project on Joe Pool Lake Other Projects Sam Rayburn Dam and Reservoir 2.6 million Wright Patman Dam and Lake 1.7 million Utah 9.2 million Vermont 2.7 million Includes $9 million for a flood control project of Little Dell Lake.

Includes $900,000 for a flood control project on the Connecticut River Basin.

Includes $18 million for local flood protection of Richmond and $4.1 million on a navigation project in Norfolk Harbor.

Includes 5.7 million for flood control around the Mud River Mountain Dam and $250,000 for a study of the water supply of the Lake Washington Ship Canal.

Includes 46.3 million for a navigation project on the Gallipolis Locks and Dam.

Includes $807,000 for Green Bay Dike disposal and $63 million on a flood control project of State Road and Ebner Coulees.

Includes 450,000 for a study of Jackson Hole Virginia 53.0 million Washington 1253. million West Virginia 3155.1 million Wisconsin 26.3 million Wyoming 1.2 million Appropriations for the Bureau of Reclamation General Investigations: Total 13.22 million.

Includes Arizona 75,000 Kansas 240,000 Black Hills Hydrology Study 100,000 Various 13.2 million For Upper San Pedro River Optimization Study.

For Arkansas River Water Management Improvement Study.

South Dakota Includes For environmental and interagency coordination activities 2.7 million 14 For Upper Snake River Basin storage optimization lW,OOO For technical assistance to states 1.4 million Total 310 million Regular Construction 204.5 million Drai n age and Minor Construction 25.5 million Dams 58.3 million Rehabilitation and Betterment 6.5 million Science and Technology 13.3 million Colorado River Storage Project Total 172 million Colorado River Basin Project Total 201.9 million Loan Program 5.7 mill i on Construction Program Total 642.9 million. Construction and Rehabiliation and Colorado River Basin Salinity Projects Includes Department of Energy Energy Supply, Research and Development Activities $2.52 billion. Includes $89.8 million for Advanced Tech nology Center, Indiana State University.

Center for Energy Resoureces Management, University of New Orleans.

Biomedical Research Facility, University of Alabama.

Biomedical Research Facility, Case Western Reserve University.

Energy Science Research Facility, Boston University.

Center for Nuclear Medicine Research, West Virginia University.

Gazes Cardiac Research Institute, Medical University of South Carolina.

Biomedical Research Institute, Louisiana State University.

Neurosensory Research Center Fort Hayes State University.

Therapy and $7.5 million will be available only to the Power Burst Facility, both at the Idaho National Engineering Lab Of the $89.8 million 5.5 million will be avaliable only to Boron Neutron Capture Solar and Renewable Energy 2 00 million Includes A power project using monolithic amorphous silicon-photovoltaic modules 2 million A study of the short rotation of woody crops 1.5 million Nuclear Energy Research and Development 305 million Safety and Health lo4 million Magnetic Fusio n 275.3 million Uranium Supply and Enrichment Activities 13 billion Includes 7 million to study the safety of Civilian reactors in the Soviet Union.

Includes $7 million to study air pollution in Mexico City 15 GeneralScience 1.1 billion High Energy Physics 621 million Nuclear Physics 330 million Superconducting Super Collider 242 million Nuclear Waste Disposal Fund 242.8 million For oversight of programs in Nevada 4.1 millon For research and development by the University of Nevada 4.1 million Atomic Energy Defense Activities 10.9 billion To upgrade the OMEGA laser at the University of Rochester 8.5 million To upgrade the NOVA laser at Lawrence Livermore National Lab 10 million For Marshall Islands radiological activities 4.9 million Bonneville Power Adminst r ation 326.9 million Includes Includes Includes Includes 136.6 million for Third Alternating Current Intertie APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE DEPARTMENTS OF LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, EDUCATION AND RELATED AGENCIES Total Conference Agreement 153.2 billion 17 billion over fiscal 1990 Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration 71.48 million National Commission for Employment Policy 1.9 million National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee 4.25 million Job Corps capital costs 68.9 mill i on Hawaii, native health care 3.5 million Kamaehameha Schools/Bishop Estate scholarship program 750,000 Papa Ola Lokahi, administrative costs 400,000 Centers for Disease Control 1.3 billion Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 2 million occupational safety and health laboratory 25 million Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Addnistmtion Hawaii, native health centers 2.35 million Includes: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, construction of an 16 National Institutes o f Health Total Expenditures 8.5 billion Includes: National Cancer Institute 1.7 billion Proton Beam Therapy Program 7 million National Heart, Lung; and Blood Institute 1.2 billion National Institute of Dental Research 153.3 million National Institute of D i abetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases 632.3 million National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 556.8 million National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 933.2 million National Institute of General Medical Sciences 779.3 million N a tional Institute of Child Health and Human Development 492.7 million National Eye Institute 260.2 million National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 249.1 million National Institute on Aging 332.7 million National Institute of Arthritis and Muscu l oskeletal and Skin Diseases 198.4 million National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders 138.5 million National Center for Research Resources 343.8 million National Center for Nursing Research 40.8 million National Center for Human Genom e Research 89.7 million John E. Fogarty International Center 18.1 million National Library of Medicine 94.4 million Office of the Director 100.6 million Health Care Policy and Research 98.9 million Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Family Support Administration Low Income Home Energy Assistance 1.45 billion.

Refugee and Entrant Assistance 420.7 million Community Services Block Grant 438.3 million Program Administration 86.5 million Head Start 2.5 million Child Care and Development Block Grant Act o f 1990 750 million Payment to States for Foster Care and Adoption Assistance To demonstrate the effectiveness of training Head Start teachers through interactive education via satellite technology 2.6 billion 17 Department of .Education Compensatory Educa t ion for the Disadvantaged 6.2 billion Basic State grants 5.1 billion Concentration grants 569.5 million Migrant education activities 301.8 million Merit Schools program: up to lW million Impact Aid 740 million School Improvement Programs 72 million Native Hawaiian education programs 6.5 million National Writing Project 2 million Bilingual and Immigrant Education 202.9 million Education for the Handicapped 2.5 billion Student Financial Assistance 6.9 billion Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Educati o n 15 million Special Endowment Grants 17.9 million Margaret Chase Smith Center l nullion Warren Magnuson Institute 3 million Center for Clinical Law 55 million John McCormack Institute 3 million Taft Institute 750,000 Robert C. Byrd scholarship program 9. 5 million Howard University 200 million College Housing and Academic Facilities Loans 30 million Education Research, Statistics, and Improvement 133.4 million Education Research 62 million Rural Initiative 8.9 million School Year Extension Study Commission 1 million National Council on Educational Goals 2 million National Board for Professional Teaching Standards 5 million Libraries 146.4 million Creation of a new Office of Corrections Education 125,000 Includes Higher Education Departmental Management, Pro g ram Administration 18 Related Agencies Action, operating expenses 196 million Corporation for Public Broadcasting 326.5 million Joint Study Commission on Postsecondary Institutional Recognition: l million National Commission on Children 1.1 million Nation a l Labor Relations Board: lSl million Prospective Payment Assessment Commission Salaries and Expenses 3.9 million Soldiers and Airmens Home 53 million White House Conference on Library and Information Sexvices 500,000 APPROPRIATIONS FOR MILITARY CONSTRUCII ON FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Total Conference Agreement 8.4 billion.

Installation and Projects By State Alabama 86.3 million Alaska 158 million Includes $14.4 million for Physical Sciences Research Center and $3.11 million for three new Army National Guard Armories.

Includes $8.3 million for a new elementary school 866,000 for a new Army National Guard training site latrine, and $550,000 for two new Army National Guard Armories.

Includes 3.7 million for a Navy aviation supply warehouse and $1.2 million for an Air National Guard fire station.

Includes $6.9 million for a new Army National Guard dormitory and $5.3 million for an Air Force personnel processing center.

Includes $11.7 million for a Naval Ocean Systems combined research laboratory 9.1 million for new Army National Guard barracks, and $4.5 million for a child development center.

Includes 4.5 million for a new Air Force base child develpoment center and $1.8 million for a new Air National Guard fire station Arizona 27.4 million Arkansas 22.4 million California 334.2 million Colorado: i 62.3 million 19 Connecticut 46.2 million Includes 5 million for a Navy bachelor officer quarters modernization and 18.9 million for a new Naval operational training facility.

Includes 9.8 million for a Naval research laboratory electro-optics research laboratory and 4.0 million for magnetic resonance imaging facility.

Includes 63 million for wastewater system improvements and $32 million for an Air Force physical fitness center.

Includes 7.2 million for a Navy bachelor enlisted quarters 3 million for an Army recreation center, $1.6 million for a child development center, and 7.9 million to replace an elementary school.

Includes $6.1 million for a new Air Force dormitory and $9.7 million for an Army continuing education center, and $77O,OOO for a child development center.

Includes $7.2 million for an Army Reserve center and $1.4 million for an Air Force squadron facility.

Includes $2.2 million for an Air Force child development center and $2.2 million for a Navy fireman apprentice training school.

Includes $4.3 million for an Army learning research center and $2 million for an Air Force child development center.

Includes $10 million for an Army Reserve armory and garage and $1.8 million for an Air National Guard hanger upgrade.

Includes $9.1 million for an Air Force dormitory and $34 million for an Army instruction building.

Includes $3.9 million for an Air Force Reserve airport apron and taxiway and 5.6 million for a Navy Phalanx modernization shop.

Includes $3.6 million for an Army National Guard armory and $22 million for an Army maintenance complex.

Includes $1.8 million for an Navy Reserve training building and $3 million.for an Army National Guard Armory District of Columbia 13.8 million Florida 119.7 million Georgia 159.4 million Hawaii 7 1.5 million Idaho 8.6 million Illinois 35.8 million Indiana 30.9 million Iowa 21 .6 million Kansas 63.3 million Kentucky 37.3 million Louisiana 53.8 million Maine 46.5 million Maryland 186.2 million Includes 3.9 million for an Air Force child development center and $800,000 for animal rooms.

Includes 3.8 million for an electromagnetic technology research lab.

Includes 960,000 for an Air Force child development center and $2.6 million for an Army Reserve armory Includes $3.7 million for an Air National Guard dinning hall and medical training building and 1.9 million for an Army National Guard armory.

Includes 2.7 million for upgrading Air force bachelor officer quarters and 1 million for an Army National Guard armory Includes $3.6 million for an Air Force physical fitness center 8.8 million for and Army physical fitness center, and $750 ,000 for a child development center.

Includes 2.6 million for an Air Force physical fitness center and $800,000 for and Air Force Reserve engineering building.

Includes 3.4 million for an Air National Guard dinning hall and $52 million for an Air Force maintenance hangar.

Includes 4.9 million to alter Air Force dormitories and $400,000 to change the entry of an Air National Guard complex.

Includes 2.7 million to alter an Air Force dormitory and $3.4 million to build an Air National Guard armory.

Includes 8.8 million for a washing facility and $1.2 million for a cold storage building.

North Carolina 127.6 million Includes 1.8 million for an Army map depot and $1.8 to extend an Air Na tional Guard runway.

Includes 3.6 million for an Air Force child development center and $4.2 million for an Air Force transportation complex Massachusetts 7.5 million Michigan 11.2 million Minnesota 21.2 million Mississippi 30.8 million Missouri 88.7 million Nebraska 3.4 mill i on Nevada: i 78.1 million New Jersey 28.9 million New Mexico 101.3 million New York 31.3 million North Dakota 29.2 million 21 Ohio 48.8 million Includes 5.6 million for Army National Guard land purchases and $3.1 million for an Air National Guard dining h all and medical training building.

Includes 13.2 million for Army National Guard land purchases and $22 million to modernize an Army sewage treatment plant.

Includes 1.5 million for an Army armory and $4 million for an education facility.

Includes 3.9 million to tear down a building 3 million for an Army National Guard armory, and 1.2 million for a child development center.

Includes 1.2 million for a Navy child development center and $6.2 million for a steam distribution system upgrade.

Includes 3.4 million for a Navy clothing issue building and $500,000 for an Air Force parachute drying tower.

Includes 13.1 million to upgrade an Air Force electrical system and $1 million for an Army National Guard armory.

Includes $1 1.9 million for a general purpose warehouse and $4.5 million for four new Army National Guard armories.

Includes $lOO,OOO to seal manholes for the Army and $7.1 million for an Army physical fitness center.

Includes $4.1 million for an Army National Guard armory and $3.4 million for an Air National Guard dining hall and medical building.

Includes $2.5 million for a Navy Reserve center and $500,000 to add to an Air National Guard hangar.

Includes $2.2 million for an Army child development center 4 million for a Navy fuel line, and $520,000 for a food service training facility.

Includes $20 million for Navy land purchases and $1.1 million for a fire house Oklahoma 120 million Oregon 7.8 million Pennsylvania 106.3 million Rhode Island 21 million South Carolina 67.9 million South Dakota 14.1 million Tennessee 49.4 million Texas 294.5 million Utah 104.1 million Vermont 4.7 million Virginia 25 1 million Washington 169 million 22 West Virginia 26.7 million Wisconsin S47.4 million Includes $1.8 million for Army Reserve land purchases and $2.9 mi llion for an Army National Guard armory.

Includes $5 million for an Army wash facility and $7.4 million for an Army National Guard armory.

Includes $2.9 mil lion for Army National Guard airfield improvements and $1.7 million for a defense agency storage facility Wyoming S10.3 million APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND RELATED AGENCIES Total Conference Agreement 30.88 billion 2.8 billion o ver fiscal 1990.

Coast Guard Recreational Boating Census 50,000 Research and Development Z million An increase of $5 million over fiscal 1990, including $6 million for administration and $1 million for the Columbia and Willamette Rivers Maritime Fire and S afety Association.

Collect Data on Propeller Injuries 150,000 Federal Aviation Administration Wichita State University 1.5 million Rutgers University 1.3 million Aviation Security 10.4 million Research Grants-In-Aid for 59 Airports 1.8 billion 375 million over fiscal 1990 Includes the following airports (as outlined in the House Appropriations Bill John Wayne CA 3.25 million New Denver International, CO 25 million Orlando International FL 10.5 million Indianapolis International IN 4 million Greater Cincin n ati International OH 7.2 million Kansas City International, MO 6.7 million McCarran International NV 6.5 million Nashville Metropolitan,TN 5.9 million New Austin 13.5 million 23 Dallas/Fort Worth Internationa1,TX 12.5 million Henry CountyBaer Creek, GA 1. 6 million Flacon Field, GA 2.1 million DuPage County, E 9 million Stewart International, NY 2.8 million Greater Pittsburg International, PA 7 million Highway Research, Development and Technology 24.6 million University Transportation Centers 5 million Inte l ligent Vehicle/Highway Stystems 20 million National Highway Institute 1.4 million Rural Technology Assistance Program 3.4 million Trucking Programs 900,000 National Bicycling and Walking Study 1 million Methanol Plantship Project (for phase two 1.75 milli o n Railroad-Highway Crossings Demonstration Projects 14.5 million Augusta, GA 1.6 million Springfield, IL 3.7 million Lafayette, IN 2.2 million Lincoln, NE 3.0 million Brownsville, TX/Matamoros, Mexico 2.10 million Right-of-way Revolving Fund 42.5 million Includes $5.4 million for Route 31 project in New Jersey and $4 million for Carson City, Nevada.

Motor Carrier Safety Grants 61.5 million Baltimore-Washington Parkway 8.4 million Highway Safety and Economic Development Demonstration Projects 17 million Hig hway Safety Improvement Demonstration Project 7.6 million Highway-Railroad Grade Crossing Safety Demonstration Project 6.8 million Highway Widening Demonstration Project 1.7 million Turquoise Trail Project 4.7 million Trade Enhancement Demonstration Proje ct 10.6 million Alabama, Jasper: Alabama Highway Bypass Demonstration Project 8.5 million Federal Highway Administration the House bill originally appropriated $12 million).

Distributed in the following manner California, El Segundo: Intersection Safety De monstration Project Extension of Douglas Street 3.06 million 24 Florida Campbellton: Highway Capacity Improvement Demonstration Project Indiana, Peru: Indiana Industrial Corridor Safety Demonstration Project 1.7million 2.55 million Coming Bypass Safety De m onstration Project 17 million Ottumwa Road Extension Project 8.5 million Iowa Connector Project 1.5 million Paintsville: Highway Widening and Improvement Demonstration Project 3.4 million Owensboro: Kentucky Bridge Demonstration Project 3.4 million Transp o rtation 9.35million Detroit: Urban Airport Access Safety Demonstration Project 9.35 million Iowa: Kentucky Michigan Macomb County: Urban Highway Corridor and Bicycle Minnesota, Minneapolis: Intermodal Urban Demonstration Project 8.5 million Tioga County: C limbing Lane and Highway Safety Demonstration Project 10.2 million 17 million Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Reconstruction Demonstration Project PennsylvaniaToll Road Demonstration Project 5.1 million Virginia HOV Safety Demonstration Project (Washington, DC, suburbs 7.2 million For construction 71 million For preliminary engineering 48 million Arkansas, Fayetteville: Construction on Highway 71 8.S million Georgia, Augusta: For the Olive Road crossing 1.7 million Iowa, Waterloo: For improvements on FiftWSixth Street 3.4 million.

Massachusetts, Pittsfield: For the Center Street extension 3.36 million Center access road 1.3 million Other Highway Demonstration Projects Examples Oklahoma, Ada: For the Pontotoc County Rural Industrialization and Skill Pennsylvania: For the Pennsylvania industrial park access (Donora-Monessen Washington: For the Interstate 5 HOV lanes from Seattle to Dupont, WA S3.4 million Bridge 1.3 million Biomechanics Research 3 million 25 National Advanced Driving Simulator 1.8 million Dade Coun t y Trauma System Support 250,000 New Jersey Trauma Research 2.7 million Local Rail Service Assistance lo mllion Railroad Safety 34 million Railroad Research and Development 22 million Maglevmigh Speed Rail 3.8 million Long Island Railroad Intermodal Projec t I million Grade Crossing R&D 700,000 Northeast Corridor Improvement Program I79 million Amtrak Operating Support 343 million Amtrak Capital Improvements 132 million Conrail Commuter Transition Assistance 5 mllion Federal Railroad Administration Includes U rban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) Grants: Bus facilities 220 million Existing Rail Modernization and Extensions 455 million New Systems and New Extensions 440 million University Transportation Centers 5 million Washington Metro 64 million St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation lo nullion Research and Special Programs Administration 15.8 million Includes Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, Honolulu, Denver, San Fransisco Related Agencies Interstate Commerce Commission 43.7 million i 26 APPROPRI A TIONS FOR THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT U.S. POSTAL SERVICE,THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT CERTAIN INDEPENDENT AGENCIES Total Conference Agreement 20.9 billion 25 billion over fiscal 1990 General Services Administration New Construction 1.46 billion Exam p les Arizona, Flagstaff: A grant to Northern Arizona University, Southwest Forestry Science Complex I 4.5 million California Los Angeles: A U.S. Geological Survey laboratory building 22 million Colorado, Denver: A grant to the National Research Center for E nvironmental Lung Disease 1 million Florida, Miami: A grant to Mt. Sinai Medical Center 1.7 million Georgia, Athens: A grant to the University of Georgia, Dean Rusk Center for International and Comparative Law 1 million Idaho, Moscow: A grant to Universit y of Idaho Environmental Laboratory 5.8million.

Iowa, Ames: A grant to Iowa State University for a Supercomputer Access Center 2.2 million Mqland, Baltimore: A grant for planning and design of the Christopher Colum bus Center on Marine Research and Explora tion 4 million Massachusetts, Boston: For a Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse 184 million Michigan, Houghton: A grant to MichiganTechnological University for a center for applied metallurgical, minerals, and materials research 1.7 million Minnesota, Mi n neapolis: For a Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse 68 million Nevada, Carson City: For a Federal Building-Post Office parking lot 50,000 New Jersey, Camden: For a Post Office and Courthouse annex 8.9 million New Mexico, Albuquerque: A grant to Sandia Na t ional Laboratory for research in environmentally conscious manufacturing 3 million New York, White Plains: For a Courthouse 26 million Virginia, Alexandria: For a U.S. Courthouse 58 million Nebraska, Omaha: A grant to Creighton University, Criss Research B uilding 2 million a Texas, El Paso: A grant to the University of Texas 1.7 million West Virginia, Charleston: For a Federal Building 80 million 27 APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE DEPARTMENTS OF VETERANS AFFAIRS HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, AND RELATED AGENCIES T o tal Conference Agreement 78.1. billion 11.7 billion over fiscal 1990 Department of Veterans Affairs Three New Geriatric Centers 8.4 million Health Professional Scholarship Program lo million Commission on the Future Structure of Veterans Health Care 2.8 m i llion Parking Garage Revolving Fund 28 million Arkansas, University of Arkansas: For a pedestrian bridge 1 million Florida, Lake City: For a new Nursing Home Unit 8.9 million Illinois, Chicago: For a new national cemetery 1.5 million Kentucky, Floyd Count y : For a new Medical Outreach Clinic 5 million national cemetery 25,000 Detroit: For a new VA Hospital 247 million air-conditioning project 8 million NewYork, Albany: For a new national cemetery 1.45 million Ohio, Cleveland: For a new national cemetery 1.7 million Oklahoma, Oklahoma City: For site preparation for a new national Cemetery 250,000 Tennessee, Mountain Home: For a new laundry and warehouse Project 3.4 million William Beaumont Army Medical Center 4.8 million Seattleflacoma: For a new national cem e tery 2.4 million Portland: To complete a pedestrian bridge 8 million 10 million of this amount to the Ann Arbor, MI,VA Medical Center Louisiana, Alexandria: For an environmental assessment forthe expansion of a Michigan: Ann Arbor: For a clinical, outpati e nt, research, parking, and central Pennsylvania, Wilkes-Barre: For advanced planning of a modernization project 800,000 Texas, El Paso: For the contract documents for a replacement facility at the Washington 28 Department of Housing and Urban Development C alifornia, Tulare: To buy land for a alcohol treatment center 350,000 North Miami Beach: For a performing arts center 995,000 STARS) program 500,000 Hawaiian Homeland Infrastructure Development 1.2 million cane mills 1.3 million Illinois, Forest Heights: F or a water system study 30,000 Iowa, Sioux City: For economic redevelopment 2 million Florida Fort Myers:For the SuccessThrough Academic and Recreational Support Hawaii To assist in job retention for agricultural workers at Hamakua coast sugar Louisiana U n iversity of New Orleans: For a National Center for the Revitalization of Central Cities 500,000 New Orleans: For neighborhood economic improvement 3.15 million Lynn: To rehabilitate the Old Post Office Building 79S,OOO Lawrence: For public safety equipmen t 585,000 Michigan f Saginaw: For park improvements 790,000 Bay City: For Riverwalk, Bigelow Park, and bridge lighting 769,000 Ohio, Cleveland: For the KaramuTheater Project 205,000 Barnesboro: For the Barnes Memorial Park 71,000 Nanticoke: For a regional e quipment center 520,000 Philadelphia: To address ground subsidence [sic] problems IS million Philadelphia: To New FreedomTheater 1.95 million Windber: For the Windber Recreation Park 600,000 Tennessee, Clinton: For infrastructure improvements 700,000 Texa s , Bowie: For housing, community and economic development activities 950,000 West Valley: For infrastructure development 500,000 Ogden: For housing rehabilitation SOO,OOO For revolving loan pilot program 250,000 West Virginia, Fairmont: To refurbish a huma n ities and cultural center 500,000 Lead Paint Research SOO,OOO Lead Paint Worker Training Programs 250,000 Massachusetts Pennsylvania Utah 29 Independent Agencies I American Battle Monuments Cummission 15.9 million Commission on National and Community Serv ice 57 million Consumer Product Safety Commission 37 million Scott A. Hodge Grover M. Herman Fellow in Federal Bugetary Affairs 30


Scott A.

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