Regulatory Relief Executive Order Is the Right Step for Economic and COVID-19 Recovery

Regulatory Relief Executive Order Is the Right Step for Economic and COVID-19 Recovery

May 19, 2020 2 min read

WASHINGTON—Today, President Trump announced a deregulatory executive order to better enable America’s economic recovery from COVID-19. Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James, chairman of the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, made the following statement on the Regulatory Relief to Support Economic Recovery Executive Order:

Government bureaucracy should not inhibit our public health response and economic recovery. This executive order rightly prioritizes the American people over bureaucracy.


The Heritage Foundation’s National Coronavirus Recovery Commission has recommended reducing regulatory burdens on Americans to save both lives and livelihoods. I’m thankful the White House is implementing the commission’s recommendations for a review of all regulations that inhibit economic growth.


Freeing our economy from unnecessary government regulation will play a critical role in speeding up our nation’s recovery from COVID-19. President Trump’s executive order is a welcome step as we move safely and expeditiously toward recovery.

Heritage’s National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, made up of 17 top experts and thinkers, has put forward 264 recommendations that represent a strategy for achieving a prudent balance to protect both lives and livelihoods.

The commission will deliver its final report and recommendations in June. All of the recommendations are available here.

For media inquiries or to schedule an interview, contact Gloria Taylor at [email protected]