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Heritage Training
Professional development to build your conservative credentials
With over a dozen programs led by policy analysts, subject-matter experts, and seasoned practitioners, The Heritage Foundation is the leader in training and educational programming for conservatives. When we invest time in professional development, we become more effective—as individuals and as a Movement—in advancing our shared ideas and values. Click on the links below to learn more about our offerings for the following audiences:
Students and Young Professionals
Ready, Set, HILL!
The 118th Congress has begun and staff positions are open across the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. These positions represent a unique opportunity for professionals like you to advance conservative principles and impact public policy. “Ready, Set, HILL” is here to help you land your first Hill job and prepare you for success.
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Local University Conservatives Network (LUC)
This program for freshmen and sophomores attending D.C.-area universities will set you up for long-term success in public policy. You’ll gain a foundation in conservative thought, cultivate essential career skills, and connect with fellow conservative undergraduates.
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Conservative Hill Intern Program (CHIP)
Exclusively for interns on Capitol Hill, you’ll learn the fundamentals of political philosophy from leading conservative intellectuals and gain practical insights on advancing your career on the Hill and in the public policy sphere.
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High School Fellowship
From classroom to capitol, The Heritage Foundation’s High School Fellowship is for young, conservative leaders! As a High School Fellow, you won’t just watch from the sidelines. You’ll be immersed in the national conservative conversation, participate in a real-life policy capstone, and connect with influential leaders and like-minded students. Ready to start your conservative leadership journey?
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Internship Program
Designed for rising college juniors through recent college graduates, this 12-15 week internship pairs practical work experience with educational programming, including opportunities to learn from experts in a variety of fields through policy briefings, mentorship, and a First Principles Series.
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The Academy
Students, young professionals, and civic leaders engage in this 12-week, online program to learn the foundational principles of American political thought and the important policy debates facing our country. You’ll grow in your ability to engage more confidently in policy debates and more meaningfully in your community.
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Stand Out at Work: Maximize Your Effectiveness and Get Stuff Done
This program teaches completed staff work (CSW)—once a classified military leadership technique, it’s a proven method for solving problems, making decisions, and delivering results. Enhance your professional toolkit and get equipped to become the indispensable “go-to” staff member in your office.
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Host a Heritage Speaker on Your Campus
Contact us to invite a Heritage expert to speak at your campus event, either in-person or virtually.
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Capitol Hill Staff
Ready, Set, HILL!
The 118th Congress has begun and staff positions are open across the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. These positions represent a unique opportunity for professionals like you to advance conservative principles and impact public policy. “Ready, Set, HILL” is here to help you land your first Hill job and prepare you for success.
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Conservative Hill Intern Program (CHIP)
Exclusively for interns on Capitol Hill, you’ll learn the fundamentals of political philosophy from leading conservative intellectuals and gain practical insights on advancing your career on the Hill and in the public policy sphere.
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Heritage Congressional Fellowship (HCF)
The premier educational program for junior-level staffers on Capitol Hill, HCF provides a foundation in First Principles, public policy issues, staff skills, and congressional procedure. You’ll also broaden your network and get to know fellow conservatives that work alongside you on the Hill.
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George C. Marshall Fellowship
Designed for early to mid-career professionals working in national security and foreign policy, this program provides the opportunity to learn about the development of American grand strategy. You'll gain a comprehensive overview of national security principles and learn first-hand from leaders with years of experience in this field.
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Civil Society Fellowship
Professional Hill staff take an in-depth look at how life, marriage and religious freedom form the foundation of American civil society. In addition to learning how to effectively articulate your conservative principles on these vital issues, you’ll also network and collaborate with your colleagues in the program and other prominent conservative groups.
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Speechwriters Fellowship
Current and aspiring speechwriters learn the theory and practical skills they need to be knowledgeable policy resources and trusted communicators for their principals. You’ll develop and enhance your speechwriting ability through this six-week, evening program that combines expert instruction and analysis of today's hot-button policy issues.
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Take That Hill: Leadership Skills for Congressional Staff
This program for mid-level Hill staffers prepares you for leadership roles and imparts skills to unify and increase the effectiveness of your office. You’ll learn from the best—seasoned instructors who’ve led in government, business, the non-profit sector, and in combat.
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Presidential Administration Appointees
Presidential Administration Academy
This one-of-a-kind educational and skill-building program is designed to prepare and equip future political appointees now to be ready on Day 1 of the next conservative administration. This training provides aspiring appointees with the insight, background knowledge, and expertise in governance to immediately begin rolling back destructive policy and advancing conservative ideas in the federal government.
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Communications Professionals
Communicating for Impact: A Strategic Communications Fellowship
This eight-week, virtual program is designed for professional communicators and policy experts who want to drive action and influence change. You’ll dig into the latest communication techniques, apply the concepts directly to your own work, and complete the program with a new communications game plan to take your priority issues to the next level.
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Crisis Communication for Leaders
In the midst of uncertainty, leaders have a responsibility to communicate and an opportunity to influence actions, behaviors, and the outcomes of many situations. Drawing on personal experiences during past national security crises, the instructors will share timeless lessons that you can use when you’re under pressure—which is often when your messages matter most.
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Speechwriters Fellowship
Current and aspiring speechwriters learn the theory and practical skills they need to be knowledgeable policy resources and trusted communicators for their principals. You’ll develop and enhance your speechwriting ability through this six-week, evening program that combines expert instruction and analysis of today's hot-button policy issues.
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Foreign Policy Professionals
George C. Marshall Fellowship
Designed for early to mid-career professionals working in national security and foreign policy, this program provides the opportunity to learn about the development of American grand strategy. You'll gain a comprehensive overview of national security principles and learn first-hand from leaders with years of experience in this field.
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Judicial Clerks
Judicial Clerkship Training Academy
This three-day program is designed to prepare confirmed judicial law clerks to excel in the U.S. federal court system. You’ll hear from expert faculty including judges currently serving on U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals, professors who teach at prominent law schools, and well-known legal practitioners. Sessions will cover a wide range of legal topics, including originalism, textualism, legal writing, and practical discussions about how clerks can best prepare for their upcoming clerkship.
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Conservative Movement Allies
Stand Out at Work: Maximize Your Effectiveness and Get Stuff Done
This program teaches completed staff work (CSW)—once a classified military leadership technique, it’s a proven method for solving problems, making decisions, and delivering results. Enhance your professional toolkit and get equipped to become the indispensable “go-to” staff member in your office.
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Crisis Communication for Leaders
In the midst of uncertainty, leaders have a responsibility to communicate and an opportunity to influence actions, behaviors, and the outcomes of many situations. Drawing on personal experiences during past national security crises, the instructors will share timeless lessons that you can use when you’re under pressure—which is often when your messages matter most.
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Speechwriters Fellowship
Current and aspiring speechwriters learn the theory and practical skills they need to be knowledgeable policy resources and trusted communicators for their principals. You’ll develop and enhance your speechwriting ability through this six-week, evening program that combines expert instruction and analysis of today's hot-button policy issues.
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Principles of Leadership
This program for organizational managers builds your individual leadership capacity. In this cohort-style series, you'll explore practical skills to increase your own effectiveness, glean leadership lessons by studying historical and contemporary figures, and apply the concepts learned through lively exercises and discussion.
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School Board Members
School Board Training: Empowering Families and Putting Kids First
This 14-session, on demand program is designed for school board members who recognize the need for a different vision in their school systems. You’ll get the tools, knowledge, and resources you need to succeed and get equipped with valuable tips and insights from education policy experts and experienced school board members who have succeeded at driving change at the local level.
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Candidate Briefing Program
Are you running for federal, state, or local office? Schedule a briefing with Heritage’s world-class analysts to learn conservative policy solutions on a wide range of issues.
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First Principles
Unlike any other nation in history, the United States was founded on a set of political principles, what the Framers called First Principles. They are the “self-evident” truths proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence: the concept of the God-given equality and freedom of every person; of natural and inalienable rights; of government by consent of the governed; and of the right to resist tyranny to preserve liberty. First Principles form the conceptual bedrock of the programming at Heritage. For additional resources on this subject, including publications and lectures, please visit our American Founders page.