Heritage Foundation Releases COVID-19: Lessons Learned and Path Ahead

Heritage Foundation Releases COVID-19: Lessons Learned and Path Ahead

Oct 29, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Today, The Heritage Foundation released a compendium of its coronavirus research, “COVID-19: Lessons Learned and Path Ahead.”

Highlighting Heritage’s extensive library of work since the onset of the pandemic, this resource serves as a one-stop shop for policymakers to look back while also charting the course toward recovery and creating a baseline for Americans to evaluate their leaders’ decisions. The compendium spans the scope of the pandemic, offering analysis and solutions on public health, economic, legal, cultural, and foreign policy.

Heritage President Kay C. James said, “The researchers at The Heritage Foundation have compiled this compendium to examine both the lessons learned from government policy decisions as well as proposals that can help move the nation forward. This report offers analysis and solutions to deal with the ongoing pandemic and to guide policymakers in crafting health, education, and economic policies while maintaining fidelity to our system of limited government and safeguarding our most cherished liberties. Information is power against fear and uncertainty, and I submit to you that the information in this compendium offers a more hopeful, promising, empowering path ahead.”

The solutions offered build on the 265 recommendations put forth by the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, a centerpiece of Heritage’s coronavirus response efforts. The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission launched in April to move America toward recovery while saving both lives and livelihoods. The group of 17 commissioners included top experts and thinkers from government, public health, disaster response and relief, academia and education, business, and the faith community. Its guidance has helped shape policy at the White House and Capitol Hill. The commission’s final report is available here.

In addition to this special project, Heritage Foundation researchers have led the way in offering data-driven solutions that leverage America’s strengths and protect individual liberty. Through the course of the pandemic this has led to over 94 policy reports, 902 media interviews, 182 op-eds, and over 1,500 commentary mentions.