Heritage Experts: The Supreme Court Should Protect Religious Freedom

Heritage Experts: The Supreme Court Should Protect Religious Freedom

Nov 4, 2020 1 min read

Today, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Fulton v. City of Philadelphia. Heritage Foundation scholars Ryan Anderson and Emilie Kao offered the following response:

“The Supreme Court should protect the freedom of two women of faith who have served as foster mothers for several decades. The city of Philadelphia told them that they could no longer work with Catholic Social Services because the city doesn't like the agency operating on Catholic beliefs about marriage—even though there are 29 other agencies who work with same-sex couples.

Faith-based agencies like Catholic Social Services, which has done vital work for more than 200 years, provide unique inspiration and encouragement to foster families and help maximize families for children in need. The government shouldn't deprive children of their essential services by discriminating against their religious beliefs.”