VIRTUAL EVENT: Multi-ethnic Conservatism: Americans With Diverse Backgrounds Seek to Conserve What’s Good About America

Event Conservatism
Event Conservatism

November 17, 2020 VIRTUAL EVENT: Multi-ethnic Conservatism: Americans With Diverse Backgrounds Seek to Conserve What’s Good About America

Was Identity Politics the biggest loser in 2020?

Tuesday, Nov 17, 2020

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm



The 2020 election perplexed many in the media and the coastal elites. In Florida, Cuban-American and Puerto Rican voters helped deliver the state for President Trump; in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas’ Mexican-American heartland also turned out in unexpected numbers for the President. Even in the Golden State, Chinese-American parents organized to turn back an attempt to reintroduce racial preferences in university admissions. And throughout the country, African-American voters, especially men, voted for Trump also in unexpected rates.

What happened? Why? Was Identity Politics the biggest loser in 2020?

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