December 15, 2020 VIRTUAL EVENT: Deal or No Deal: The Iran Nuclear Challenge
A timely discussion about what to expect if the US re-enters the Iran Deal and what Congress can do to prevent a dangerous rollback of sanctions on Iran.
Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm

Hosted by
The Trump Administration withdrew from the flawed Iran nuclear deal in 2018 and applied maximum pressure on Iran to attain a stronger and more favorable agreement. But Tehran refused to negotiate and escalated its uranium enrichment, attacks on Arabian Gulf oil facilities, and proxy attacks on the U.S. and its allies. Presidential candidate Joe Biden pledged in September to return to the Iran Deal if Iran is compliant with the agreement. What would this mean in practical terms? What are the potential pitfalls for U.S. policy regarding Iran, nuclear proliferation, and regional security?
Join a panel of experts for a timely discussion about what to expect if the U.S. re-enters the Iran Deal and what Congress can do to prevent a dangerous rollback of sanctions on Iran that would make the Middle East, and arguably the world, a less safe place.
REPORT 15 min read
COMMENTARY 4 min read
COMMENTARY 2 min read