Heritage Resources

Heritage Resources

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China, Open-Source Information, and Transparency
Heritage Senior Research Fellow Dean Cheng highlights the importance of transparency vis-à-vis the Chinese Communist Party, the current work being done, and the need for an “air traffic controller” directing researchers to the best sources of information. 
Read the report.

China Uncovered
China Uncovered is a biweekly podcast shining a spotlight on the CCP’s actions and emerging trends from their data. The show is available on Apple Podcast Spotify, and your favorite podcast app.
Listen to the podcast.

China Unveiled
Every year, Heritage hosts a public event on this issue of transparency and current work being done. “China Unveiled: The Search for Transparency” was our inaugural event held on August 18, 2020.
Watch the event.

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Learn more about policies that safeguard U.S. economic interests while addressing ethical and human rights concerns in Asia with Solutions.