Heritage President Kay C. James on Social Media Censorship

Heritage President Kay C. James on Social Media Censorship

Jan 9, 2021 1 min read

WASHINGTON – Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James made the following statement about recent actions by social media companies:

“Americans have legitimate concerns about the role of Big Tech in shaping and influencing political speech. Time and again, social media companies have squandered the public’s trust and don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.


“Letting dictatorial regimes from China and Iran use their platform while banning the democratically elected leader of the United States shows the hypocrisy and political motivations of these companies.


“Shutting off legitimate debate and intellectual diversity comes at a very high cost. Big Tech is not going to stop with the president of the United States. They can ban you next and everyone reading this.


“This is why it is time for Congress to reform Section 230 and Americans to exercise their power by continuing to put pressure on Big Tech.”