Heritage President Kay C. James on Impeachment of President Trump

Heritage President Kay C. James on Impeachment of President Trump

Jan 13, 2021 1 min read

WASHINGTON — Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James made the following statement about the impeachment debate in Congress:

“The violence and chaos that took place at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 won’t soon be forgotten. I continue to mourn the loss of life and pray for those who were injured.


“Today, President-elect Joe Biden and congressional Democrats face a choice. They could follow through on their promise to unify the country and focus on the future. Or they could pursue impeachment in an attempt establish a historical precedent and send whatever signal they want to appease their base.


“It’s a decision Biden and congressional Democrats must weigh carefully as it will have lasting implications for our country. I hope they choose country over party, unity over divisive politics, and begin to look forward. Congress should not pursue impeachment of President Trump.


“Our nation needs time to heal. That healing not only requires a peaceful transition of power, but efforts by all Americans to reject the ugly rancor in our politics and strive for a better future.”