Heritage Expert Responds To White House Finally Calling Border Crisis a “Crisis”

Heritage Expert Responds To White House Finally Calling Border Crisis a “Crisis”

Mar 18, 2021 1 min read

WASHINGTON – Lora Ries, Heritage Foundation Senior Research Fellow for Homeland Security, and former DHS acting deputy chief of staff, responded Thursday to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki being the first administration official on record referring to the border crisis as a “crisis:”

“What’s happening at the border is undoubtedly a crisis – a fact that has been clear to the American people for some time. It’s encouraging that the White House press secretary, who speaks on behalf of the president of the United States, chose to call it a crisis today, as well. Hopefully this rhetoric turns to swift action in securing our border, deporting those here illegally, and enforcing our laws.”

For more facts about the border crisis: Heritage Experts Fact-Check Mayorkas’ Dishonest, Misleading Statement on Border Crisis