Reducing Medicare Viability with Benefit Expansions

How Biden’s Budget Busting Reconciliation Hurts the Economy, Families and Individuals

Reducing Medicare Viability with Benefit Expansions

  • The reconciliation package includes several bad health care–related provisions that all boil down to Washington wanting more control of America's health care decision-making. 
  • One of those items is a massive expansion of government’s role in health care by expanding Medicare to cover dental, hearing, and vision services—which ignores the fact that benefits are already available through the privately administered Medicare Advantage.
  • This proposed expansion also completely ignores the fiscal crisis that the current Medicare program faces. With Medicare Part A facing insolvency in 2024, lawmakers will be forced to make decisions about what will happen to the program, its beneficiaries, or the taxpayers. This is not the time to expand Medicare beyond its limits. 
