Creating New Programs that Put Bureaucrats in Control of Your Family

How Biden’s Budget Busting Reconciliation Hurts the Economy, Families and Individuals

Creating New Programs that Put Bureaucrats in Control of Your Family

  • Biden’s “Build Back Better” slogan really should be “Build Back Bureaucracy.” The so-called Biden Family Plan, which is pushed in reconciliation, offers a government-knows-best model that spends huge sums of money to fund benefits that politicians create and control while piling up debt for future generations. 
  • The Biden plan also fails to address families’ real child care, education, and workplace leave needs. When the federal government takes more money from American families’ income and redistributes it in the form of benefits that politicians—not families—decide are necessary, past experience show that these efforts end up hurting their intended beneficiaries.  
  • True policy reforms should support family formation and stability. Eliminating marriage penalties in our welfare system, encouraging flexibility in work and child care, and offering more schooling options and better access to better private health plans would be good starts. 
