February 7, 2022 Major SCOTUS Case: What Waters Can Be Regulated Under the Clean Water Act?
Join Heritage’s Daren Bakst and Paul Larkin alongside special guests Jack LaPant, a California farmer, and Tony Francois, co-counsel with the Pacific Legal Foundation in this important new case, to discuss WOTUS, Sackett v. EPA, and the potential for a breakthrough for property owners all over America.
Monday, Feb 7, 2022
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm
Hosted by
For decades, the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have struggled to define “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) under the Clean Water Act—a definition that determines what waters the agencies can regulate. In general, the agencies engage in overreach trying to regulate almost every water imaginable, making it difficult for private property owners, such as farmers, to engage in even ordinary activities on their own properties. But, there’s good news. The United States Supreme Court recently decided to hear the case Sackett v. EPA, which could finally provide a reasonable and clear answer to what WOTUS means. Join Heritage’s Daren Bakst and Paul Larkin alongside special guests Jack LaPant, a California farmer, and Tony Francois, co-counsel with the Pacific Legal Foundation in this important new case, to discuss WOTUS, Sackett v. EPA, and the potential for a breakthrough for property owners all over America.
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COMMENTARY 3 min read
COMMENTARY 3 min read
SPECIAL REPORT 40 min read