Heritage President Slams Biden’s Weakness Toward China, Russia, Iran on Air With Sean Hannity, Brian Kilmeade

Heritage President Slams Biden’s Weakness Toward China, Russia, Iran on Air With Sean Hannity, Brian Kilmeade

Mar 25, 2022 2 min read

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts joined the “Sean Hannity Show” and the “Brian Kilmeade Show” this week to address some of the most pressing public policy challenges facing the United States. 

In a Thursday interview with Hannity, Roberts emphasized not only President Joe Biden’s weakness on the world stage in confronting America’s adversaries, but particularly his failure to address the existential threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party: 

“Our president is failing not only in being caught on his back feet with the Ukrainian crisis, but also failing to lead us into a grand strategic vision for what we do to address the Chinese threat.”  

Roberts also discussed the Biden administration’s failing foreign policy and the importance of protecting American interests. 

“The reality of foreign policy right now is awful. Let's not repeat the same mistake with Taiwan, because if we do ... it is going to cost scores of American lives and our American way of life.” 

Listen to the full interview here.   

In his conversation with Kilmeade, Roberts pointed out how Biden’s weakness toward Russia is only emboldening China and encouraging more aggressive behavior from Beijing down the line:   

“China is drawing a competing conclusion, which is that America has not been proactive in Ukraine ... and therefore what will America's response be if China continues to show aggression toward Taiwan?” 

Roberts also slammed the Biden administration’s push to secure another nuclear appeasement deal with Iran. 

“The Biden administration negotiating with Iran on the nuclear arms deal is appeasement, plain and simple, and will have terrible consequences for Americans and people abroad, especially in the Middle East. But secondly … the United States of America of all countries out to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. That is to say, we ought to have stopped Putin from invading Ukraine by having been more proactive there. We ought to have months ago drawn a line in the sand with China versus Taiwan, and at the same time we ought to stop this ridiculous negotiation with the Iran deal.” 

Listen to the full interview here.