Heritage Experts: The Left’s Radical Bill Would Make Abortion Up to Birth the Law of the Land

Heritage Experts: The Left’s Radical Bill Would Make Abortion Up to Birth the Law of the Land

May 11, 2022 1 min read

WASHINGTON—As the Senate prepares to vote Wednesday on a bill that would eradicate important pro-life protections in state law and allow abortion up until birth, Roger Severino, vice president of domestic policy at The Heritage Foundation, made the following statement:

“The American people will reject this radical measure, but it won’t be the last time that pro-abortion lawmakers try to override state laws that protect women and their unborn children. Congress must advance laws that respect the dignity and life of unborn children, not attack them.

“The abortion industry is terrified that the Supreme Court might overturn Roe v. Wade, ending America’s nightmare of abortion-on-demand under the false pretenses that this imagined ‘right’ is in the Constitution. They know this grave injustice is coming to an end, which is why they want to push even more extreme abortion laws that require taxpayers to pay for abortions and eradicate conscience rights for health care workers.

“Our work isn't over until every person, from the moment of conception, is protected in law and welcomed into life.”

Melanie Israel, policy analyst in Heritage’s DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family, added:

“Doubling down on radical and extreme abortion policies demonstrates how committed the left is to promoting abortion-on-demand at any cost. We see this in the calls for violence directed at Supreme Court justices who will hopefully soon correct the grave error of Roe v. Wade. We see it in the destructive acts of vandalism and intimidation at life-affirming pregnancy resource centers and churches.

“We see it in the Biden administration's push to loosen safety protocols on dangerous chemical abortion pills, despite their significant health risks to women. And we see this in the media, which refuses to acknowledge the many polls that show Americans supporting protections for women and their unborn children while overwhelmingly rejecting radical measures like late-term abortion.”