Heritage President: Justice Department Must Investigate Attacks on Churches, Pregnancy Resource Centers

Heritage President: Justice Department Must Investigate Attacks on Churches, Pregnancy Resource Centers

Jun 16, 2022 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts signed a coalition letter released Wednesday that calls on U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate the rising number of attacks against churches, pregnancy resource centers, and pro-life organizations in the aftermath of the leaked draft opinion for the Supreme Court case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

Since May 2020, more than 130 acts of vandalism have been committed across 29 states and the District of Columbia, just against Catholic-owned properties. More recently, the Capitol Hill Crisis Pregnancy Center, located just blocks away from the U.S. Capitol, was vandalized with red paint on the front door and the words “Jane Says Revenge” spray-painted on the side of the building.

Roberts made the following statement Thursday:

“It is unconscionable that the Department of Justice would launch an investigation against parents as potential domestic terrorists at the behest of a liberal advocacy group and its baseless claims but fail to launch any investigation into the rise of real physical violence against Americans who believe in the sanctity of life.

“Pro-abortion extremists and the radical left will stop at nothing to advance their political agenda. Attorney General Merrick Garland has a duty to investigate and prosecute any individual who does damage to private property or harms Americans exercising their constitutional rights of free speech.

“Americans should not be intimidated for promoting a culture of life and speaking out to say that all human life, especially the unborn, is precious and should be protected.”

The letter, signed by 26 pro-life leaders, is available here.