2025 Presidential Transition Project Forms Advisory Board With Leading Conservative Partners

2025 Presidential Transition Project Forms Advisory Board With Leading Conservative Partners

Jun 24, 2022 13 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation today announced the formation of the Project 2025 Advisory Board, the first major initiative of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project since its launch in April.  

The board will bring together a coalition of leaders across the conservative spectrum to guide the project’s efforts and position the movement to take the reins of government, lay the groundwork to rebuild America’s future, and undo the damage caused the Biden administration. 

Heritage President Kevin Roberts released the following statement on the announcement of the advisory board:  

“It is not enough for conservatives simply to win elections. We must ensure that the right people—those who love this country and are willing to fight for her—are serving in key roles in the next administration. Cleaning up the devastation caused by four years of Joe Biden’s rule will be an arduous task and will require committed patriots who not only have the right policy ideas, but know how to outsmart and overcome the administrative state. The Presidential Transition Project, led by Paul Dans and our advisory board, is going to work tirelessly for the next three years to make sure the conservative movement is ready for the moment.”  

The 2025 Presidential Transition Project is focused on two key fronts—preparing the next administration with conservative policy recommendations and the properly vetted and trained personnel needed to defeat the administrative state, implement those policies, and take back America. 

As part of Heritage’s vision for being on offense every single day, Project 2025 will spend the coming years uniting the movement around not just a conservative policy agenda focused on restoring America, but also training the next generation of public servants who will serve in the next conservative administration.  

The project is led by Paul Dans, who served as the chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) during the Trump administration, as well as OPM’s White House liaison and senior advisor to the director. 

The Project 2025 Advisory Board, which continues to expand, is chaired by The Heritage Foundation and composed of representatives from leading organizations throughout the conservative movement, including at present:  

  • Alliance Defending Freedom 

  • America First Legal  

  • American Accountability Foundation 

  • American Center for Law and Justice 

  • American Legislative Exchange Council 

  • American Moment 

  • American Principles Project 

  • Center for Renewing America 

  • Claremont Institute 

  • Competitive Enterprise Institute 

  • Concerned Women for America 

  • Conservative Partnership Institute 

  • Defense of Freedom Institute 

  • Family Research Council 

  • First Liberty Institute 

  • Foundation for Government Accountability 

  • FreedomWorks 

  • Leadership Institute 

  • Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America  

  • Texas Public Policy Foundation 

  • Young America’s Foundation 

The conservative movement is coming together, setting a broad vision and assembling the ideas and team to restore America post-Biden. In November 2024, the people of the United States will deliver a potentially once-in-a century reform mandate at the ballot box. Project 2025 seeks to ensure the country will be prepared. Project 2025 Advisory Board members had the following to say about the launch of the project: 

  • “The current administration has threatened our most fundamental freedoms at an unprecedented pace, exploiting executive and regulatory powers to infringe on liberty in ways that wouldn’t be possible via legitimate constitutional means. That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom is proud to offer its legal, regulatory, and policy expertise to a strong alliance the Heritage Foundation and other partners have formed to bring constitutionally-sound policies back to Washington. Religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, and parental rights are unquestionably in the crosshairs today. As a member of the Project 2025 Advisory Board, ADF will work tirelessly to reverse the dangerous course this administration has set and get America back on track to building freedom’s future.” -- Michael P. Farris, President and CEO, Alliance Defending Freedom 
  • “A central focus of the American Accountability Foundation has been ensuring that only the highest caliber individuals serve in the federal government. We are pleased to be working with The Heritage Foundation to help ensure that the men and women staffing the next Administration are the highest quality conservative leaders the nation has to offer.” -- Tom Jones, Founder, American Accountability Foundation 
  • “The American Center for Law and Justice is proud to contribute our decades of experience and expertise to the Presidential Transition Project, a crucial effort to catalyze and unify the conservative movement in the face of Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency. President Biden has failed American families, threatened our fundamental liberties, and undermined U.S. national security at every turn. Together with our partners, we will help secure America’s future for the next generation.” -- Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director, American Center for Law & Justice 
  • “Rebuilding a pipeline of dedicated, conservative, and capable personnel who will fight to put America First starts at the most junior levels. American Moment looks forward to working with the Presidential Transition Project to ensure that thousands of talented junior and mid-level appointees are ready on day one to serve the next President of the United States.” -- Saurabh Sharma, President, American Moment 
  • “All of us at CPI are honored to help lead this vital project. Personnel is policy, and we must work to ensure the next president is equipped by the smart, tenacious conservative policy staff who have the skills and determination to get things done.” -- Jim DeMint, Chairman, Conservative Partnership Institute 
  • “Americans couldn’t be more dissatisfied with our nation’s current trajectory. Our government-run, union-controlled, anti-choice K12 system fails to focus on core academics and graduates too many students unprepared for citizenship and college or work. Our institutions of higher education have become overly dependent on federal loans and grants and have grown intellectually intolerant. Our federal student aid system is broken. Project 2025 thus comes at a pivotal time. We appreciate Heritage’s collaborative leadership and look forward to contributing to a pro-student, pro-family, pro-worker agenda that will expand education and workforce opportunities for every American.” -- Robert S. Eitel, President and Co-Founder, Defense of Freedom Institute for Policy Studies 
  • “For nearly 40 years, Family Research Council has represented families across the nation by coming alongside those entrusted with government office to help them craft pro-family policies. We are excited to collaborate on the 2025 Presidential Transition Project with Heritage Foundation and other partners. We look forward to standing with our nation’s elected leaders as they protect and promote life, family, and religious freedom at home and abroad.” -- Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council 
  • “There is nothing more important in America and to Americans than our system of justice. This is a crucial part of any transition, as a new administration takes power. As a group at the Supreme Court and in various lower courts across the country each year, we will do all we can to help keep America and its legal system as the envy of the world. It is truly a privilege to serve on this project.” -- Kelly Shackelford, President, CEO and Chief Counsel, First Liberty Institute 
  • “In order for the voice of the grassroots to be heard in Washington, conservatives need to hit the ground running in January 2025. Controlling Congress and the White House is not enough. We need to ensure that political appointees are unified in advancing a pro-freedom, pro-America agenda in each and every federal agency. FreedomWorks is proud to join this broad coalition from across the conservative spectrum, and we look forward to working together to bring the best policies, personnel, and leadership to the Nation's Capital.” -- Adam Brandon, President, FreedomWorks 
  • “We’re excited to partner with the Heritage Foundation and other leading allies to lay the groundwork for the next pro-life administration. Personnel is policy, and time after time we have seen the Biden administration working to expand abortion on demand and undermine protections for unborn children and mothers that Americans overwhelmingly want. As we stand at the cusp of a post-Roe America, we look forward to shaping the policies that will save lives and serve women and families in our nation’s bright pro-life future.” Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America  
  • “The effort to return America to a position of strength and prosperity can’t start soon enough. It’s clear the American people are rejecting President Biden’s head-in-the-sand approach to the economy, weak leadership overseas, and capitulation to the leftwing radical culture mobs trying to upend our schools and families. For those of us left holding the pieces at the end of this Administration, we must be ready with an agenda that restores freedom, limited government, and fiscal sanity, as well as experienced, patriotic individuals who will faithfully uphold the values that have served the country well from its founding.” -- Greg Sindelar, Chief Executive Officer, Texas Public Policy Foundation  

As Project 2025 continues to take shape, the Advisory Board will be reaching out to and encouraging input and involvement by state and local groups, to ensure our efforts in Washington reflect the concerns of Americans across the country. 

Read more: Heritage Announces 2025 Presidential Transition Project, Hiring of Paul Dans to Direct New Initiative 
RealClearPolitics scoop on advisory board: Conservatives already preparing for post-Biden presidential transition
Washington Examiner scoop on the project: Heritage readies 2025 jump start for Biden replacement