Members of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project Coalition Respond to Biden’s State of the Union Address

Members of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project Coalition Respond to Biden’s State of the Union Address

Feb 8, 2023 2 min read

WASHINGTON—President Biden addressed the 118th Congress in his second State of the Union last night. Members of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project coalition today responded to Biden’s remarks.  

Paul Dans, director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project and former chief of staff at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, responded:  

“The one real accomplishment Biden has a right to brag about is uniting conservatives.  Work to repeal and replace the disastrous legacy of Biden’s Administration cannot start soon enough. We are 50 (and growing) of America’s most prominent conservative organizations, joining forces to develop policies and a new generation of personnel to lead this great nation back on day one – January 20, 2025.” 

Chuck DeVore, chief national initiatives officer with the Texas Public Policy Foundation and former California state representative, responded: 

“As the clouds of war gather on the near horizon, the president’s speech offered nothing on maintaining peace by strengthening deterrence. Instead, Biden rehashed the failed Beltway elites’ policy of engagement with China, as if the Chinese Communist Party’s deeply felt concern over climate change will restrain them from invading Taiwan and threatening our allies in the Indo-Pacific.” 

Jeremy Carl, senior fellow at the Claremont Institute and former deputy assistant secretary of the Interior, responded: 

"At the State of the Union speech, Joe Biden again showed why he is unfit to lead this nation, attacking the police and using lies to promote racial division. But that's been the playbook he has run with the D.C. Democrats for more than a half-century now and there's no hope he or they are going to change anytime soon. We'll be ready to go in January 2025 with an agenda that will break from the failed policies of the past and offer real democratic accountability to the American people." 

Russell Vought, president of the Center for Renewing America and former director of the Office of Management and Budget, responded: 

"The State of the Union speech was yet another indicator that President Biden is committed to perpetuating division, distraction, and destructive policies. Thankfully, the conservative movement is working together to ensure the next administration serves everyday Americans instead of being woke and weaponized against them."  

Project 2025 aims to unify the conservative movement to ensure that the next president is ready on Day 1 to serve the needs of every American. In a growing coalition of 50 organizations, we are laying the foundation to save our country.  

Learn more or join the coalition at