David Dewhirst, Senior Advisor to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Joins Project 2025

David Dewhirst, Senior Advisor to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Joins Project 2025

Jun 7, 2023 2 min read

WASHINGTON—David Dewhirst, senior advisor to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and a veteran of the Trump administration, is joining the 2025 Presidential Transition Project as senior consultant.

Organized and led by Heritage, Project 2025 consists of a coalition of 60 conservative groups joining forces to make sure the next conservative president is ready on Day One. 

In addition to his current role with DeSantis, Dewhirst will assist Project 2025 on a range of initiatives, facilitating outreach to presidential candidates, encouraging conservatives from across America to join the Presidential Personnel Database, and ensuring a robust team of conservatives is ready to get to work in Washington in 2025.

“I’ve been blessed to serve in federal and state administrations, and the old adage couldn’t be more true: personnel is policy,” Dewhirst said. “For the next conservative president to succeed, the executive branch must be staffed at every level with proven, conservative leaders from across the country who will courageously and efficiently implement the president’s agenda. That’s why I’m thrilled to join Project 2025 and help deliver a stockpile of top-shelf talent and cutting-edge conservative policy ideas to the 47th president.”

In April, Dewhirst departed his post as Idaho’s chief deputy attorney general to work for DeSantis’ office in Florida. He previously served as Montana’s solicitor general, where he helped lead the fight against the destructive policies of the Biden administration.

During the Trump administration, Dewhirst served as the principal deputy general counsel at the U.S. Department of Commerce, where he advised Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and other senior officials on legal and policy matters implicating every corner of the department’s broad mandate. 

Dewhirst also coordinated closely with the White House and the interagency to advance administration-wide priorities. He managed the department’s expansive litigation portfolio, defended department officials in congressional investigations, and served as the Commerce Department’s regulatory reform officer and chief environmental review permitting officer.  

Prior to his time serving in various state government roles, Dewhirst clerked for Judge Lawrence VanDyke on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. 

“David Dewhirst is a top attorney in the conservative movement. He brings a wealth of experience from serving in both state and federal government. We are happy to have David join us as we prepare to deconstruct the administrative state in 2025 and return power to the people,” said Paul Dans, director of Project 2025 and former chief of staff at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. 

Project 2025 brings together leading conservatives to work collaboratively on policy recommendations and properly vetted and trained personnel to implement them. The coalition recently released “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise,” a 900-page policy bible for the next conservative administration.

Americans interested in serving the next conservative presidential administration can visit Project2025.org and click APPLY NOW.