Robert Peters Joins The Heritage Foundation as Nuclear Deterrence & Missile Defense Fellow

Robert Peters Joins The Heritage Foundation as Nuclear Deterrence & Missile Defense Fellow

Jun 20, 2023 1 min read

WASHINGTON – Today, The Heritage Foundation announced that Robert Peters is joining the organization as Research Fellow for Nuclear Deterrence and Missile Defense, Center for National Defense.

Peters served in various capacities with the Department of Defense (DoD) during a 17-year tenure, including as the chief strategist at the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the special advisor for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and on faculty at the National Defense University.

Over his two decades working with nuclear deterrence and missile defense, Peters supported two Nuclear Posture Reviews, the National Defense Strategy, the New START Nuclear Arms Control Treaty, and for three years oversaw the DoD’s Track 1.5 and Track 2 strategic dialogues with allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific. He also designated and facilitated a number of nuclear deterrence wargames and exercises at the Assistant Secretary, ambassadorial, and three-star levels.

A prolific writer, Peters has published many works, including examinations on the impact of the Chinese nuclear expansion and the Russian withdrawal from arms control, the prospect for future arms control, the need for a new Nuclear Posture Review, and the mission to eliminate North Korean weapons of mass destruction.

Peters is a graduate of Miami University and Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. Peters has lectured at the National War College, Missouri State University, the Army War College, and the United States Naval Academy.

Thomas Spoehr, the director of The Heritage Foundation’s Center for National Defense, said: “Heritage is fortunate to have Robert Peters joining the Heritage defense team as our nuclear deterrence and missile defense fellow. Given the backdrop of China’s nuclear breakout and Russia’s continued threats, this is an area where policymakers deserve the best advice we can give them. Given Bob’s background, we are well poised to provide those recommendations.”